Fundamental Classes in Motivic Homotopy TheoryWe develop a Fulton-style intersection theory in motivic homotopy categories, which is expressed in terms of the fundamental class in twisted bivariant groups. By introducing a general notion of Euler classes of vector bundles, we prove a formula of excess intersection in this framework; as an application, we deduce a motivic Gauss-Bonnet formula computing the Euler characteristic. This is a joint work with F. Déglise and A. Khan.金方舟 博士(Uiniversity Duisburg-Essen Department of Mathematics)致远楼101室2019年2月28日 16:00-17:00
Robust Tensor Completion and Its ApplicationsIn this talk, we report the results of robust tensor completion using tubal singular value decomposition, and its applications. Several applications and theoretical results are discussed. Numerical examples are also presented for demonstration.吴国宝 教授(香港浸会大学)致远楼101室2019年1月22日15:30-16 : 30
xVA: Definition, Evaluation and Risk ManagementxVA is a collection of valuation adjustments made to the classical risk-neutral valuation of a derivative or derivatives portfolio for pricing or for accounting purposes, and it has been a matter of debate and controversy. This presentation is intended to clarify the notion of xVA as well as the usage of the xVA items in pricing, accounting or risk management. Based on replication pricing using shares and credit default swaps, we attribute the P/&L of a derivatives trade into the compensation for counterparty default risks and the costs of funding. The expected present values of the compensation and the funding costs under the risk-neutral measure are defined to be the bilateral CVA and FVA, respectively. The latter further breaks down into FCA, MVA, ColVA and KVA. We show that the market funding liquidity risk, but not any idiosyncratic funding risks,can be bilaterally priced into a derivative trade, without causing price asymmetry between the counterparties.Lixin Wu (香港科技大学)致远楼101室2019年1月16日10:00-11:00
Sparse Grid Meets Random Hashing: Learning High Dimensional Functions of Few ...We investigate the optimal sample complexity of recovering a general high dimensional smooth and sparse function based on point queries. Our result provides a precise characterization of the potential loss in information when restricting to point queries as opposed to the more general linear queries., as well as the benefit of adaption. In addition, we also developed a general framework for function approximation to mitigate the curse of dimensionality that can also be easily adapted to incorporate further structure such as lower order interactions, leading to sample complexities better than those obtained earlier in the literature.Professor Ming YUAN(美国哥伦比亚大学)致远楼101室2019年1月14日(周一)下午16:00开始
Asymptotic Analysis for Yamabe EquationsThe Yamabe equation is an important class of equations in the geometric analysis and nonlinear elliptic equations. It arises from the conformal geometry and describes the scalar curvatures of the conformal metrics. In this talk, we study asymptotic behaviors of solutions of the Yamabe equation with isolated singularities and discuss some important results by Caffarelli, Schoen, Spruck, Korevaar, Mazzeo and Pacard. We will also present some recent results that solutions near isolated singularities are well approximated by series that decay at discreet orders.韩青 教授 (美国Notre Dame大学、北京大学)致远楼101室2019年1月11日16:00-17:00
Picard Group of the Moduli Space of SheavesIn this talk, I will review a few existing results about Picard groups of moduli spaces of sheaves over curves, as well as the rank 2 case over surfaces. Based on the related methods, I will discuss how to obtain similar results for high rank cases over surfaces. This is work in progress, conducted jointly with Jun Li, Howard Nuer, Xiaolei Zhao and Yi Xie.林胤榜 博士 (清华大学)致远楼101室2019年1月9日 10:00-11:00
Subsets Counting and Borwein ConjectureIn this talk, I will first review a subsets- counting technique, and then present some applications in number theory and coding theory, with a focus on a partial result on the Borwein conjecture. This is based on joint work with Daqing Wan.李吉有 教授致远楼103室2018年12月28日16:50-17:35
密码货币体系的数学理论我们将给出密码货币体系中数字权益歧视性的定义,并分析歧视性与安全性、歧视性与效率之间的关系,并尽可能详细介绍相关的数学理论。刘春雷 教授致远楼103室2018年12月28日15:55-16:40