The Broucke-Henon Orbit and the Schubart Orbit in the Three-body ProblemIn 2000, Chenciner and Montgomery proved the existence of the figure-eight solution in the planar three-body problem with equal masses by using the variational method. Since then, a number of new periodic solutions have been discovered and proven to exist. A workshop on Variational Methods in Celestial Mechanics was organized by Chenciner and Montgomery in 2003 to address the possible applications of variational method in studying the Newtonian N-body problem, while several open problems were proposed by the attending experts. The existence of the Broucke-Henon orbit is one of these open problems, which was proposed by Venturelli. Actually, he noticed that the Schubart orbit with collision is on the closure of the homology class (1, 0, 1). It is not clear if the Broucke-Henon orbit is a minimizer in the homology class (1, 0, 1).严夺魁 副教授致远楼101室2018年1月18号 下午4:00-5:00
On PAVMM Methods with Application to Image RecoveryWe discuss unique solvability of the equality-constraint quadratic programming problem, establish a class of preconditioned alternating variable minimization with multiplier (PAVMM) methods for iteratively computing its solution, and demonstrate asymptotic convergence property of these PAVMM methods. We also discuss an algebraic derivation of the PAVMM method by making use of matrix splitting. Numerical results about a few image recovering problems show the effectiveness of this class of methods.白中治 研究员致远楼101室2018年1月17日(周三)上午10:00—11:00
应急救治系统资源需求仿真分析A health emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health and life and requires urgent intervention to prevent it from getting worse. An efficient clinic workflow and adequate provisioning of various types of resources in an emergency department (ED) help improve the timeliness of emergency care services. Such resources include doctors, physician assistants, registered nurses, registration clerks, examination beds, CT machines, etc. This presentation proposes a simulation framework that supports the analysis of optimal provisioning of resources that ensures timely care service and meanwhile incurs no excessive cost from unnecessary resources acquisition. A stochastic timed Petri net based healthcare workflow and resource modeling technique is presented.王加存 教授宁静楼110室2018年1月10日(周三)下午4:00
Fibration Structure on Manifolds with Special HolonomyIt is known that SYZ fibration of Calabi-Yau plays a key role in studying mirror symmetry。A natural question is to consider fibration structure in other manifolds with special holonomy。In this talk,we will report some related work for G2-manifolds。胡智 博士宁静楼104室2018年01月07日(周日)14:00~15:00
Complex Polynomials Classifying Coplanar CMC SurfacesComplete embedded constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces of fixed, finite topology comprise a finite-dimensional moduli space. In case of coplanar CMC surfaces of genus 0 with k ends, this moduli space can be identified with the space of holomorphic immersions from the plane to the 2-sphere whose Schwarzian derivative is a polynomial with degree depending on k. Can you guess which families of coplanar CMC surfaces correspond to the polynomials 0, or 1, or z?Prof.Rob Kusner宁静楼110室2018年1月5日(周五)下午14:00-15:30
The Planar Dual Minkowski ProblemIn this talk, we consider the dual Minkowski problem, proposed by Huang-Lutwak-Yang-Zhang (Acta 2016), for the planar case and the index $q>0$, without any symmetry assumptions. If the prescribed measure has a density which is bounded between two positive constants, we show the existence of solutions to the problem. If the density is smooth, we show the smoothness of the solutions. Some other applications of our method will also be discussed. This is a joint work with Dr. Shibing Chen.Qi-Rui Li瑞安楼 609 教室2018年01月05日 09:30-10:30
Ancient Solution to the Generalized Curve Shortening FlowI will discuss some results on the classification of convex compact ancient solution to the generalized curve shortening flow (the speed of evolution is the curvature of the curve to some power). In particular, I will show that the only convex compact ancient solution to the affine curve shortening flow (also known as fundamental equation of image processing) is a shrinking ellipse.Shibing Chen瑞安楼 609 教室2018年01月05日 10:30-11:30
Orlicz - Lutwak Projection InequalityAn extension of the Lutwak projection inequality is established in the framework of Orlicz Brunn -Minkowski theory. This new result directly yields the Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski inequality for intrinsic volumes.邹都 副教授瑞安楼 205 室2018年01月04日 16:00-17:00