Discrete Game Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equat...题目:Discrete Game Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations报告人:柳青 教授(福冈大学)地点:致远楼107室时间:2017年6月5日,星期一 下午4:00—5:00欢迎各位参加柳青 教授致远楼107室2017年6月5日,星期一 下午4:00—5:00
An Introduction to Cheeger-Colding TheoryIn this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the Cheeger-Colding theory. Firstly I review the definition of Gromov-Hausdorff distance and Gromov's precompactness theorem. Secondly I will focus on the three fundamental theorem in this field, i.e. Almost splittng theorem, Almost volume cone implying almost metric cone and volume continuity. I will explain the ideas to prove them. Finally I will mention some important applictions made by experts in this field and some open problems.吴国强致远楼102室2017年6月2日 PM 1:30-2:30
A Note on Convex Hypersurfaces with SingularitiesWe study singular closed convex hypersurfaces with constant Weingarten curvature. The main result is two-folded: if the hypersurface with pointed singularities having $H_k=const$ for $1/leq k/leq n-1$ , then singularities are removable; while for k=n, there do exist singular convex hypersurfaces with constant Gaussian curvature, but if there are only two singular points, then the hypersurface must be a rotational symmetric football. This is a joint work with H. Fang and W. Wo来米加致远楼102室2017年6月2日 PM 2:40-3:40
我的数学历程题目:我的数学历程报告人:石钟慈 院士 (中国科学院 数学与系统科学院)地点:致远楼107室时间:2017年6月2日 16:00-17:00欢迎各位参石钟慈 院士2017年6月2日 16:00-17:00致远楼107室
非紧Kahler流形的典则度量题目:非紧Kahler流形的典则度量报告人:傅吉祥 教授 (复旦大学 必赢国际bwin登录)时间:2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30地点:致远楼105室欢迎广大师生参加傅吉祥 教授致远楼105室2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30
Optimal Bandwidth Selection in Nonlinear Cointegrating RegressionWe study optimal bandwidth selection in nonparametric cointegrating regression where the regressor is a stochastic trend process driven by short or long memory innovations. Unlike stationary regression, the optimal bandwidth is found to be a random sequence which depends on the sojourn time of the process. All random sequences that lie within a wide band of rates as the sample size goes to infinite have the property that local level and local linear kernel estimates are asymptotically normalProfessor Qiying Wang致远楼102室2017年5月30日(周二)上午10:00
On Weyl's Embedding Problem in Riemannian ManifoldWe consider a priori estimates of the Weyl's embedding problem of $(/mathbb{S}^2, g)$ in general $3$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(N^3, /bar g)$. We establish mean curvature estimate under natural geometric assumption. Together with a recent work by Li-Wang, we obtain an isometric embedding of $(/mathbb{S}^2,g)$ in Riemannian manifold. In addition, we reprove Weyl's isometric embedding theorem in space form under the condition that $g/in C^2$ with $D^2g$ Dini continuous.陆思远致远楼102室2017年5月23日 PM 1:30-2:30
Asymptotic Behavior for a Reaction-Diffusion Population Model with DelayIn this talk, we study a reaction-diffusion population model with time delay. We establish a comparison principle for coupled upper/lower solutions and prove the existence/uniqueness result for the model. We then show the global asymptotic behavior of the model.邓铿 教授致远楼105室5月23日(星期二)下午 2:30-3:30