A Two-component Generalization of the Degasperis-Precesi Equation and Its Sho...We proposed a two-component generalization of the the Degasperis-Precesi equation. Firstly, under a pseudo 3-reduction, we have shown that the two-component reduced Ostrovsky equation can be reduced from an extended BKP hierarchy through a hodograph transformation. Its bilinear form and N-soliton solution in terms of pfaffians are constructed. One- and two-soliton solutions are presented. Moreover, we give a two-component generalization of the Degasperis-Precesi equation its Lax pair.冯宝峰 教授致远楼107室2016年1月11日 (周三)15:30-17:3 0
Symmetric Structure for the Endomorphisms of Projective-injective Modules in ...For any singular dominant integral weight $/lambda$ of a complex simple Lie algebra $/mathfrak{g}$, we show that all the indecomposable projective-injective modules in any fixed block of $/mathcal{O}_/lambda^/mathfrak{p}$ have the same Loewy lengths and the endomorphism of any projective-injective module in $/mathcal{O}^/mathfrak{p}_/lambda$ has a symmetric algebra structure, and it is equipped with a homogeneous non-degenerate associative bilinear form of degree equal to one minus that common Loewy length. This generalizes earlier work of Mazorchuk and Stroppel and confirms a conjecture of Khovanov. This talk is based on a joint work with Ngau Lam.胡峻教授致远楼107室2017年1月9日 16:00-17:00
Design and Development of a Hand Gesture Recognition System for UAV ControlThis presentation introduces the design and development of a hand gesture recognition system for UAV control in which 13 gestures are used. To train the system to recognize these gestures, we use hand skeleton data collected from a Leap Motion device. Adaptive Naïve Bayes Classifier (ANBC) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) are selected as base learning algorithms. An ensemble method is designed to improve the recognition accuracy based on the two selected classifiers. At implementation level, we developed three ROS (Robot Operating System) nodes to accomplish Feature Extraction, Gesture Recognition, and UAV Control functions.王加存教授致远楼102室2017年1月4日(周三)上午10:00
Fractional Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Numerical Simulation, an...题目:Fractional Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Numerical Simulation, and Analysis报告人:Hong Wang (University of South Carolina and Shandong University)地点:致远楼107室时间:2016年12月28日 16:00Fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) and related nonlocal models are emerging as a powerful tool for modeling challenging multiscale phenomena including overlapping microsco...Hong Wang致远楼107室2016年12月28日 16:00
Lyapunov Exponents and Holomorphic SubbundlesRecently Eskin-Kontsevich-Moller-Zorich prove my conjecture that the sum of the top $k$ Lyapunov exponents is always greater or equal to the degree of any rank $k$ holomorphic subbundle(They generalize the original context from Teichmuller curves to any local system over a curve with non-expanding cusp monodromies). Furthermore, they conjecture that equality of the subgroup of its Lyapunov exponents and degrees is related to the monodromy group being a thin subgroup of its Zariski closure. I will introduce some backgrounds on those conjectures and some applications to Teichmuller dynamics and Calabi-Yau type families.于飞 副教授致远楼102室2016年12月23日 (周五)15:00~16:00
On the Volume of Locally Conformally Flat 4-dimensional HypersphereIn this talk, we study the volume of locally conformally hpyersphere in 5-dimensional Riemnnian manifold with sectional curvature between 0 and 1. In particular, we obtain a sharp lower bound of the minimal locally conformally flat 4-hypersphere, which partially answer a question proposed by Mazet and Rosenberg. This is a joint work with Cui Qing.孙林林博士致远楼102室2016年12月21日 14:00-15:00
A Fast Algorithm for Multiple Change Point DetectionA change point refers to a location or time at which observations or data obey two different models: before and after. These studies of change-point problems have found applications in a wide range of areas, including quality control, finance, environmetrics, medicine, genetics and geography. We propose a procedure for detecting multiple change-points in a mean-shift model. We first convert the change-point problem into a variable selection problem by partitioning the data sequence into several segments. Then, we apply a modified variance inflation factor regression algorithm to each segment in sequential order.史晓平 教授致远楼105室12月20日(星期二) 下午4:00-5:00
Singular Perturbation Solutions of Steady State Poisson-Nernst-Planck SystemsWe study the Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) system with an arbitrary number of ion species with arbitrary valences in the absence of fixed charges. Assuming point charges and that the Debye length is small relative to the domain size, we derive an asymptotic formula for the steady-state solution by matching outer and boundary layer solutions. The case of two ionic species has been extensively studied, the uniqueness of the solution has been proved, and an explicit expression for the solution has been obtained. However, the case of three or more ions has received significantly less attention.汪翔升 教授致远楼102室12月16日(星期五),下午3:00-4:00