斑块扩散生物动力模型研究研究了斑块环境下种群(人群)的迁移对于疾病传播或者物种数量动态变化规律的影响,分析了上述定性结果在基于斑块控制策略的疾病控制及物种保护中的应用,上述报告基于与王新新、张巍巍、芦雪娟以及王林教授等人合作成果。刘胜强 教授致远楼102室11月25日(星期五),上午 9:00-10:00
Modified Ringel-Hall Algebras and Drinfeld DoubleIn this talk, we will discuss the Ringel-Hall algebras of a hereditary abelian category. From the category of the $/mathbb{Z}/2$-graded complexes over a hereditary abelian category, we consider a certain quotient algebra and some localization of its Ringel-Hall algebra, which is called the modified Ringel-Hall algebra. When this hereditary abelian category is finitary, in particular the category of representations of a quiver and the category of coherent sheaves on a weighted projective line over a finite field, we prove that the modified Ringel-Hall algebra is isomorphic to the Drinfeld double of the extended Ringel-Hall algebra of the hereditary abelian category.彭联刚致远楼107室2016年11月18日 10:00-11:00
On LYZ's Conjecture for the U-functionalTo study the well-known Schneider's projection problem, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang introduced a U-functional for polytopes, and posed two conjectures for this U-functional. In this paper, an affirmative answer for the second conjecture is given. As a by-product to prove our main theorem, a new sharp affine inequality characterizing simplices is established for the centered cone-volume measures.何斌吾教授致远楼102室2016年11月17日 9:15-10:15
Hausdorff Dimensions of Sets Related to Group FrequenciesWe consider some sets of points whose codings have prescribed group frequencies and determine their Hausdorff dimensions. These sets can be used to describe orbit properties of some maps in the view of dynamical way. We shall also introduce some basic knowledge of fractals.李文侠 教授致远楼102室2016年11月17日 10:30-11:30
Estimation and Empirical Likelihood for Single-index Models with Missing Data...The paper studies the estimation and empirical likelihood for single-index models with missing covariates. A generalized estimating equations estimator for index parameter with missing covariates is constructed, and its asymptotic distribution is obtained. The local linear estimator for link function achieves optimal convergence rate. By using the bias-correction and inverse selection probability weighted methods, a class of empirical likelihood ratios is proposed such that each of our class of ratios is asymptotically chi-squared. A simulation study indicates that the proposed methods are comparable in terms of coverage probabilities and average lengths/areas of confidence intervals/regions. An example of a real data set is illustrated.薛留根 教授必赢国际bwin登录致远楼102室2016年11月11日(周五)上午10:00
Modeling Time-Varying Effect of Treatment Switching with Application to Estim...Vascular access for haemodialysis is of paramount importance. Although studies have found that central venous catheter is often associated with poor outcomes and switching to arteriovenous fistula is beneficial, it has not been fully elucidated how the effect of switching of access on outcomes changes over time and whether the effect depends on switching time. Analysis of the longitudinal data needs to account for changes over multiple time indices. In this paper we propose a flexible model that jointly models the change over treatment time, the trend over calendar time, the change associated with treatment switching and time-varying effects of covariates. The effect of switching may depend on both the time of switching and time since switching. All unknown functions are modeled nonparametrically using local linear smoothers and estimated using a backfitting procedure.张日权 教授必赢国际bwin登录致远楼102室2016年11月11日(周五)上午10:00
Compressed Sensing with Redundant Systems题目:Compressed Sensing with Redundant Systems报告人:李松教授 (浙江大学)时间:2016年11月4日(星期五) 下午2:00—3:00地点:致远楼102室李松:教授,博士生导师,目前担任浙江大学必赢国际bwin登录副院长、浙江大学数学科学研究中心副主任、担任中国数学会理事、浙江省数学会副理事长等职务。他的研究方向包括;小波分析理论及其应用、压缩感知理论、低秩矩阵恢复理论等,是国内较早开展压缩感知领域的研究工作者之一,他关...李松教授致远楼102室2016年11月4日(星期五) 下午2:00—3:00
Mathematical Solutions of Pharmacokinetic Models when Nonlinearity is an Issu...Analytical solutions of pharmacokinetic models are appealing since they provide a clear and direct way to reveal the relationship between different model components, and greatly improve the process of drug development and drug design. In this talk, I will present mathematical solutions, including time-course of drug concentration and estimation of key pharmacokinetics parameters, of some pharmacokinetic models where nonlinear elimination is an important factor for some drug disposition, typically hormone drugs such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). This is a joint work with Professors Fahima Nekka and Jun Li at Université de Montréal.吴孝钿 教授致远楼102室11月1日(星期二),下午 5:30-6:30