高维仿射李代数:从单位圆谈起仿射Kac-Moody李代数是从单位圆到有限单李代数的多项式函数的中心扩张。将单位圆换成环面,就得到环面李代数。高维仿射李代数正是环面李代数的更一般的推广。它是由数学物理学家最先提出来的。这类李代数的根系恰好是Saito在研究奇异理论时引进的高维仿射根系。高维仿射李代数还与代数几何学家Slodowy的相交矩阵李代数,及Berman-Moody和Benkart-Zelmanov等学者研究的根系分次李代数有紧密的联系。其中A型高维仿射李代数有丰富的结构理论,比如它容许量子环面,凯莱环面和若当环面作为坐标代数。A型高维仿射李代数的分类还涉及到量子环面的Connes循环同调群。坐标代数是量子环面的A型高维仿射李代数被Ginzburg-Kapranov-Vasserot在研究代数曲面的Langlands Reciprocity时进行了量子化。这些代数的表示如顶点算子,酉表示,及源于Solvable lattice model的表示等已被许多学者研究。郜云教授致远楼107室2016年10月27日 16:15-17:15
Laplace Transforms and ValuationsIt is proved that the classical Laplace transform is a continuous valuation which is positively GL(n) covariant and logarithmic translation covariant. Conversely, these properties turn out to be sufficient to characterize this transform.马丹博士致远楼102室2016 年 10 月14 日 10:30-11:30
Dar's Conjecture and the Logarithmic Minkowski ProblemIn 1999, Dar conjectured that there is a stronger version of the celebrated Brunn-Minkowski inequality. However, as pointed out by Campi, Gardner, and Gronchi in 2011, this problem seems to be open even for planar o-symmetric convex bodies. In this talk, we give a positive answer to Dar's conjecture for all planar convex bodies. Besides, we will introduce the development of the logarithmic Minkowski problem. Finally, the connection of these two problems and related results will be shown.席东盟博士致远楼102室2016年10月14日 9:15-10:15
Modeling of Interactive Wild and Sterile Mosquito Populations with or without...To study the impact of the sterile insect technique on the transmission dynamics of mosquito-borne diseases, we formulate continuous-time mathematical models for the interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with or without stage structure. We incorporate different strategies for the releases of sterile mosquitoes in the models and investigate the model dynamics, including the existence of positive equilibria and their stability. We compare the dynamics of these models and also discuss mathematical modeling principles throughout the presentation.李佳 教授致远楼107室10月14日(星期五),上午 9:00-10:00
Isomorphisms between Simple Modules of Degenerate Cyclotomic Hecke AlgebrasWe give explicit isomorphisms between simple modules of degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebras defined via various cellular bases. A special case gives a generalized Mullineux involution in the degenerate case. This is a joint work with Linliang Song from HIT, Shenzhen.芮和兵教授致远楼107室2016年10月8日 16:15-17:15
Optimal Symmetric Mixed Finite Elements for the Linear Elasticity EquationIn his plenary address to the 2002 International Congress of Mathematicians,former SIAM president,Professor D.N.Arnold stated, ''Four decades of searching for mixed finite elements for elasticity beginning in the 1960s did not yield any stable elements with polynomial shape functions.''Working with Professor Jun Hu of Peking University,we completely solved this problem,constructing optimally the conforming symmetric mixed finite elements on 2D and 3D triangular grids. Mainly for this work, Professor Jun Hu was awarded the Innovation Award by the Chinese Society of Computational Mathematics.张上游教授致远楼102室2016年9月27日 10:00-11:00
Interpolated Q-analogue of Multiple Zeta ValuesWe know at least two ways to generalize multiple zeta(-star) values (MZ(S)Vs) which are q-analogue and t-interpolation. The q-analogue of MZVs was introduced by Bradley (2005), Zhao(2007), etc. On the other hand, polynomials interpolating MZVs and MZSVs using a parameter t were introduced by Yamamoto (2013). In this talk, we consider such two generalizations at the same time, that is, we compose polynomials interpolating q-MZVs and q-MZSVs using a parameter t which are reduced to q-MZVs as t=0 and t-MZVs as q to 1. Then we introduce algebraic setup and some relations for this new MZVs.若林德子致远楼107室2016年9月14日 10:15-11:15
Oldryod-B粘弹性流的能量耗散的特征线格式 Energy Dissipative Characteristic Sch...We propose new energy dissipative characteristic numerical methods for the approximation of the diffusive Oldroyd-B equations, that are based either on the finite element or finite difference discretization. We prove energy stability of both schemes and illustrate their behaviour on a series of numerical experiments. Using both the diffusive model and the logarithmic transformation of the elastic stress we are able to obtain methods that converge as mesh parameter is refined.This work has been done in the cooperation with M. Tabata, H. Notsu (Waseda University, Tokyo) and supported by the DFG International Reseach Training Group “Mathematical Fluid Dynamics”.佘邦伟博士致远楼102室2016年9月23日 16:00-17:00