Introduction to Multiple Zeta Values and Relations among themIn this talk we will introduce (classical) multiple zeta values (MZVs) and relations among them. Our motivation to investigate relations among MZVs often comes from the dimension conjecture, which has been established by D. Zagier in 1994. We summarize several known relations by drawing a diagram for their implications. Moreover we give concrete statements of the derivation relation, the quasi-derivation relation, and the cyclic sum formula under the usual algebraic setup.田中立志致远楼107室2016年9月14日 9:00-10:00
Euler Sums and Multiple Zeta ValuesHistorically, the k-fold Euler/Zagier sums has attracted specialists and nonspecialists alike with its lovely evaluations. Much the same can be said for multiple zeta (or zeta star) values (or multiple harmonic sums), which, within the past decade, have arisen in combinatorics, knot theory and high-energy physics. More recently, by using the method of multiple integral representations of series, we establish some expressions of series involving classical harmonic numbers and multiple zeta values.徐策致远楼107室2016年9月14日 14:00-15:00
On Finite Multiple Zeta ValuesKaneko and Zagier recently defined new multiple zeta values called finite multiple zeta values. After we review the dimension conjecture for finite multiple zeta values, we give some known facts including sum formula (by Saito-W('15)) and Bowman-Bradley type theorem (by Saito-W('16)) for finite multiple zeta values. )若林德子致远楼107室2016年9月14日 15:15-16:15
Focusing on Kawashima Relation and Its ApplicationsIn this talk we discuss on a huge class (and conjecturally all) of relations called Kawashima relation for MZVs and its applications. We overview Kawashima's work first. Then we prove algebraically that the duality formula, the quasi-derivation relation, and the cyclic sum formula are included in (the linear part of) Kawashima relation.田中立志致远楼107室2016年9月14日 16:30-17:30
Rational Points on Elliptic CurvesIn this talk, we introduce some recent results on Heegner points and its application to arithmetic of elliptic curves.田野 研究员致远楼105室2016年9月9日 15:30—16:30
Hopf Bifurcation in Reaction-Diffusion Population Model with Spatial-Temporal...We consider the existence of spatially inhomogeneous time-periodic orbit in a reaction-diffusion population model with spatial-temporal nonlocal delayed growth rate and Dirichlet boundary condition. When the dispersal kernel is of strong or weak type, the scalar reaction-diffusion equation with distributed delay is converted into a system of two or three reaction-diffusion equations without delay. We prove the existence of periodic orbits for the system which are equivalent to periodic orbits for the original scalar model.史峻平 教授致远楼102室7月28日(星期四),上午 9:00-10:00
Stability of Host-parasitoid SystemsUnderstanding the mechanisms driving predator-prey population dynamics and stability has been a central theme in the field of ecology. Although theoretical models developed over the past quarter century have demonstrated that predator-prey population dynamics can depend critically on age (stage) structure and duration and variability in development times of different life stages, unambiguous experimental support for this theory is nonexistent. We conducted an experiment with the cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus, and its parasitoid Anisopteromalus calandrae,徐大顺 教授致远楼102室7月28日(星期四),上午 10:10-11:10
Contributions of Demography and Effect of Stochastic Dispersal to the Invasio...Spreading speed theory provides a mathematical tool to analyze the demography and dispersal of invasive species. Based on biological records, the secondary spread of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas, has maintained a relatively consistent rate of advance for over 120 years covering a wide range of temperate latitudes and local hydrological environments along the Atlantic coast of North America. We analyzed presence/absence data for recently established green crab populations, empirically estimated the crab’s spread rate, and employed a discrete-time model to investigate the relationship between the spreading speed and demography and dispersal parameters. The model couples a matrix population model for population growth with integrodifference equations for dispersal.王林 教授致远楼102室7月28日(星期四),下午 2:30-3:30