Instantons on nearly Kaehler manifoldsInstantons are connections which are critical points of the Yang-Mills energy functional. Instantons in four dimensions have been a popular subject for nearly forty years, but there is now growing interest in instantons in higher dimensions. This talk will focus on dimensions six and seven, and the relationships between them. After explaining why these dimensions are important, I will show how to construct some instantons on six-dimensional nearly Kaehler manifolds and how to analyse their stability.Professor Derek Harland致远楼107室2016年4月5日(周二)4pm-5pm
Instantons on nearly Kaehler manifoldsInstantons are connections which are critical points of the Yang-Mills energy functional. Instantons in four dimensions have been a popular subject for nearly forty years, but there is now growing interest in instantons in higher dimensions. This talk will focus on dimensions six and seven, and the relationships between them. After explaining why these dimensions are important, I will show how to construct some instantons on six-dimensional nearly Kaehler manifolds and how to analyse their stability.Professor Derek Harland致远楼107室2016年4月5日(周二)4pm-5pm
Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare題目: Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare报告人: 王加存教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国摘要: Resource-oriented workflow nets are an efficient formalism in modeling workflows and analyzing their resource requirements. Resource requirements analysis for general workflows can be done through reachability analysis. For a class of well-structured acyclic workflows, a fa...王加存教授致远楼1023月30日(周二) 上午9:40
Epidemic Models with Media Education and Limit Resources for Disease Treatmen...This talk consider the effect of media coverage and the carry capacity of local hospital on the spreading of infectious disease. The number of patients need to be treated may exceed the carry capacity of the local hospitals during the spreading of a severe infectious disease. We propose models with general and saturation recovery from infective individuals to understand their effect on the emergency disease control. It is shown that saturation recovery from infective individuals leads to vital dynamics, such as bistability and periodicity, when the basic reproduction number is less than unity.崔景安 教授致远楼1023月27日(星期日),下午 2:00-3:00
Snakes and Isolas of Localized PatternsAs we know, there are many systems undergoing different kinds of snaking bifurcations, such as slanted snaking, collapsed snaking etc., and isola bifurcations including a stack of isolas and a nested of isolas. In this talk, we will focus on the existence of snakes and isolas of a non-symmetric system. Conditions are derived that guarantee snaking or result in diagrams that either consist entirely of isolas.徐衍聪 副教授致远楼1073月24日(星期四),上午 10:00-11:00
Multiple Graphs ClusteringIn real-life application, multiple graphs clustering have been shown a great clustering performance by exploiting heterogeneous information from various correlated graphs. Leveraging inter-relations information among different graphs has also been demonstrated an effective way to achieved better clustering result. In this talk, we discuss some recent results for multiple graphs clustering. Experimental results on both synthetic data sets and real data sets are also presented to illustrate the discussion.吴国宝教授致远楼102室2016年3月10日下午16:00-17:00
以潮间带贻贝空间自组织生态系统阐述复杂性对生态恢复力的影响学 术 报 告报告人:刘权兴研究员(华东师范大学)题目:以潮间带贻贝空间自组织生态系统阐述复杂性对生态恢复力的影响时间: 3月8日(星期二),下午3:00-4:00地点:致远楼102欢迎各位参加!刘权兴,华东师大大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室研究员,2015年入选华东师范大学紫江青年学者。2002-2009年从中北大学(原华北工学院)分别获得应用化学学士学位、应用数学硕士学位,师从我国著名生物数学家靳祯教授。2013年从荷兰格罗宁根...刘权兴研究员致远楼1023月8日(星期二),下午3:00-4:00
Generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations in high dimensionsIn this talk, we study critical points to the generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations in high dimensions (n ≥ 3) which satisfy a suitable energy bound, but are not necessarily energy minimizers. We are interested in the limits of such solutions as the parameter in the equations tend to zero.张鹏博士致远楼1022015年12月22日(星期二) 上午: 10:00----11:00