生物数学最新进展学术研讨会生物数学最新进展学术研讨会Workshop on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology2015年11月20--22日, 必赢76net线路为了交流生物数学领域的最新研究成果和学术发展动态,促进学术交流与合作,经协商决定在必赢76net线路数学系举行为期三天(11月20-22,其中 20号报到)的生物数学最新进展研讨会。围绕流行病学、生态学、病毒动力学、生物医学等领域的实际问题,深入探讨动力系统最新研究成果及其在生物数学理论研究中的重要作用。研讨会...必赢76net线路数学系致远楼102-1072015年11月20--22日
Some Aspects of Nonlocal Dispersal Eqautions学 术 报 告报告人:李万同 教授(兰州大学)题目:Some Aspects of Nonlocal Dispersal Eqautions时间: 11月18日(星期三),下午3:00-4:00地点:数学系致远楼102欢迎各位参加李万同 教授数学系致远楼10211月18日(星期三),下午3:00-4:00
浅淡数学在金融中的应用通过简单介绍一些时下较热的量化投资策略,引出背后需要的数学知识、数学 思想及对量化投资的一些反思钟玉聪致远楼1072015年11月15日 15:30-16:30
Global Robust Output Regulation of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown ...This talk will focus on the global robust output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown control direction and uncertain exosystem. We will first introduce the output regulation problem for nonlinear systems, and present some result on the global robust output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems in output feedback form with parameter uncertainties. Then we will further discuss the problem for multi-agent nonlinear systems with milder assumptions on the system parameters via adaptive and robust control approach.Assistant Professor LIU Lu致远楼102室11月9日(周一), 11:00
Universal Fuzzy ControllersThis talk discusses the universal fuzzy controller problem for continuous-time multi-input-multi-output general nonlinear systems based on a class of generalized dynamic fuzzy dynamic models. It is shown that this class of generalized dynamic fuzzy models can be used to approximate general nonlinear systems. By using their approximation capability, universal fuzzy controllers for general nonlinear systems are then provided. Finally, some remaining challenges in model based fuzzy control systems are also revealed.Professor Gang Feng致远楼10211月9日(周一), 10:00
Financial Intermediation Chains in an OTC Market题目:Financial Intermediation Chains in an OTC Market报告人:沈吉 博士 北京大学光华管理学院报告时间:11月6日(星期五)下午3:30-4:30地点:必赢76net线路数学系(致远楼)102室沈吉博士毕业于伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)金融系,北京大学光华管理学院金融学助理教授。曾就读复旦大学物理系并获学士学位、北京大学光华管理学院应用经济学系并获硕士学位、耶鲁大学经济系并获硕士学位。他的研究兴趣主要集中于有市场摩擦的金融市场...沈吉必赢76net线路数学系(致远楼)102室11月6日(星期五)下午3:30-4:30
An approximation method to nonlinear multi-objective programs学术报告报告人:梁治安教授(上海财经大学)题目: An approximation method to nonlinear multi-objective programs时间:2015年11月03日(星期二)下午4:00—5:00地点:数学系致远楼102欢迎各位参加梁治安教授数学系致远楼1022015年11月03日(星期二) 下午4:00—5:00
Geometric construction of crystal bases and its applicationsThis series of lectures is divided into three parts. In the first part, we will give precise definitions of crystal and canonical (=global crystal) bases of quantum universal enveloping algebras, and introduce their basic properties in algebraic point of view. In the second part, we will explain how to reformulate the above terminologies in geometrical language. In our geometric construction, certain varieties associated quivers, so-called “quiver varieties” are used. In geometric point of view, crystal bases are identified with the sets of irreducible Lagrangian subvarieties of quiver varieties, and canonical bases are identified with certain simple perverse sheaves on quiver varieties. In the third part, we restrict ourselves in type A. In this case, a quiver variety can be identified with a subvariety of a “flag variety”.齐藤义久致远楼107教室2015年10月27日至11月5日