Alperin Conjecture, modular permutation representations and their applicatio...In the second lecture, I will show how this idea is generalized to the quantum case and, in particular, to q-Schur superalgebras S_q(m|n,r). Thus, we obtain a classification theorem of simple modules of q-Schur superalgebras with m+n>=r at roots of unity. We believe that this work will be extended to all q-Schur superalgebras via the Schur functor. This is joint work of Gu Haixia and Wang Jianpan.杜杰教授数学系(致远楼)1072015年7月1日(周四)10:10-11:10
WEAK FACTORIZATION AND HANKEL FORMS FOR WEIGHTED BERGMAN SPACES ON THE UNIT B...In this talk we establish weak factorizations for a weighted Bergman space A^p_a, with 1 < p < 1, into two weighted Bergman spaces on the unit ball of C^n. To obtain this result, we characterize bounded Hankel forms on weighted Bergman spaces on the unit ball of C^n. This is a joint work with Jordi Pau.赵如汉教授致远楼1076月30日(周二) 16:00-17:00
Label-free Optical Micro Imaging towards Tissue Histologyin vivoThis talk reports on our recent development of high-resolution, nonionizing biophotonic imaging technologies, including optical coherence tomography (OCT) and multiphoton endomicros- copy. These fiber-optically based technologies have shown significant translational potential for imaging tissue microanatomiesin vivoat a resolution approaching or at that of standard histopathology but without the need for tissue removal or staining. The physics principles, engineering challenges and (big) data and image processing challenges, and potential solutions will be briefly discussed, including the development of advanced lasers, MEMS technology, custom optical fiber, ultracompact and high-performance micro optics, speckle noise reduction, image segmentation and optical staining techniques. Representative applications of these high-resolution technologies will be presented,Xingde Li, PhD致远楼102室6月30日(周二) 9:50
Alperin Conjecture, modular permutation representations and their application...In the first lecture, I will discuss an extension of the Alperin weight conjecture to permutation modules M of a finite group. By introducing relative projectivity and the theory of vertices and sources, we may partition the set of primitive idempotents of End(M) in terms of their defect groups. In this way, we may provide a classification of simple modules of End(M).杜杰教授数学系(致远楼)1072015年6月30日(周二)14:50-15:50
Propagation phenomena for a reaction advection diffusion competition model in...In this talk, I will report our recent research on a reaction-advection- diffusion competition model in a periodic habitat. We first investigate the global attractivity of a semi-trivial steady state (i.e., the competitive exclusion) for the periodic initial value problem. Then we establish the existence of the rightward spreading speed and its coincidence with the minimal wave speed for spatially periodic rightward traveling waves. Further, we obtain a set of sufficient conditions for the rightward spreading speed to be linearly determinate. Finally, we apply the obtained results to a prototypical reaction-diffusion model. This is a joint work with Dr. Xiaoqiang Zhao.余虓 博士南校区一教5196 月 26 日(星期五),下午 1:30-2:30
Some algebraic aspects of designs and geometryI will talk about the application of algebraic and number theoretical methods in the study of two combinatorial structures: difference sets in design theory and Cameron-Libler line class in finite geometry. The first concerns the multiplier conjecture, while the other has its origin in the study of permutation groups. What they have in common is that results from algebraic number theory plays important role in the proof. The second part is a joint work with Koji Momihara and Qing Xiang.冯涛特聘研究员致远楼1026月23日 10:00-11:00
A defect relation for holomorphic curves intersecting general divisors in pro...In this talk, I will establish a defect relation for holomorphic curves intersecting general divisors in projective varieties. Various consequences will be discussed.汝敏 教授致远楼 107 室2015年6月19日(周五),16:00--17:00
Preserver problems学术报告题目: Preserver problems报告人: 李志光(Chi-Kwong Li)教授, 美国威廉玛丽学院摘要: Preserver problems concern the study of the characterizations of transformations on matrices or operators having some special properties such as leaving invariant certain functions, subsets, or relations. The study has motivations from theoretical and applied problems. We will give an introduction of the to...李志光致远楼1026月18日(周四) 16:00