Dual representation of optimal wealth and control processes for non-smooth ut...学术报告报告人:郑惠恒教授(英国帝国理工)题目:Dual representation of optimal wealth and control processes for non-smooth utility maximization problems时间:2015年4月13日,星期一下午2:00—3:00地点:数学系致远楼102欢迎各位参加郑惠恒教授数学系致远楼1022015年4月13日,星期一 下午2:00—3:00
数学与华尔街华尔街需要什么数学 金融衍生产品(Derivatives)简介 线性和非线性产品建模 Brown运动、Ito微积分、Black-Scholes-Merton 系统架构与模型的问题 关于Quant、危机后的金融数学、quant面试杨国强致远楼102室2015年4月10日(周五)下午2:30
Options Prices under Stochastic VolatilityThe well-known Heston model for stochastic volatility captures the reality of the movement of stock prices in our financial market. However, the solutions for option prices under the stochastic volatility model are expressed in terms of integrals in the complex plane. There are difficulties in evaluating these expressions numerically. We present closed-form solutions for option prices and implied volatility under Heston model of stochastic volatility. We method is based on a multiple-scale analysis in singular perturbation theory. Our theoretical predictions are in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the Heston model of stochastic volatility. We also show that our approximate solution is valid not only in the fast-mean-reverting regime, but also in the slow mean-reverting regime. This means that the solutions in these two different regions can be approximated by the same function.张强教授致远楼102室2015年4月8日(星期三) 上午10:00—11:00
科学与工程计算论坛题目:科学与工程计算论坛报告人:科学与工程计算专家团队地点:致远楼107时间:2015.4.2 8:25-17:随着现代工程技术、金融工程以及理论研究等领域实际问题的日益复杂和科学研究的需要,各种数学模型以及现代数值算法被广泛采用,因此迫切需要各领域的研究工作者相互合作。为此必赢76net线路数学系将于2015年4月2日召开“第一届科学与工程计算论坛”,邀请必赢76net线路海洋学院、土木学院、环境科学与工程学院以及数学系计算数学等国内外13名...科学与工程计算专家团队致远楼107室2015.4.2 8:25-17
Regularity Theory of the Fractional Incompressible Navier-Stokes EquationsWe study suitable weak solutions to the fractional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We give some regularity criterion for suitable weak solutions and estimates for Hausdorff dimension of singular set.唐岚 博士数学系致远楼102室2015年3月26日(周四)下午15:00开始
Coset construction and Schur-Weyl dualityThe coset construction studies the commutant of a vertex operator subalgebra in a vertex operator algebra. A Schur-Weyl duality associated to the subalgebra and the commutant is obtained.董崇英数学系(致远楼)1072015年3月25日(周三) 10:00-11:00
需求侧用电仿真评估与优化As utility companies use various mechanisms of Demand Side Management (DSM) to regulate and modify consumer demand for energy, manufacturing plants also look for ways to improve the quality/cost ratio by saving energy cost. Several approaches are available for a plant to save energy, one of which is to reschedule the operation hours of electrical devices and take advantage of incentives and favorable pricing offered by utilities. This paper attempts to develop a load optimization model for plants to minimize the cost incurred by energy consumption. Many practical factors are considered in the model, such as electrical device clustering, night schedule extra labor charge, devices with fixed operation schedules, etc. A discussion of solutions to the optimization model is presented. An online tool for energy assessment and load optimization is also briefly introduced.王加存教授致远楼102室3月21日(周六) 上午9:30
Virasoro conformal blocks and Painleve tau functionsI review a recent remarkable discovery made by Gamayun, Iorgov, Lisovyy. They found that the Painleve tau functions have Fourier expansions in terms of four point Virasoro conformal blocks. As a result, since Virasoro conformal blocks correspond to the Nekrasov partition functions of a certain class of 4d supersymmetric gauge theories, the Painleve tau functions has explicit series expansions.名古屋创(Nagoya Hajime)致远楼1072015年3月19日15:30-16:30