Semiparametric Estimation of Treatment Effect with Logistic Regression ModelTreatment effect is an important index in comparing two-sample data in survival analysis, industry manufacture, clinical medicine and many other applications. In this paper, we propose a unified semiparametric approach to estimate different types of treatment effects under a case-control sampling plan with the logistic regression model assumption, which is equivalent to a two-sample density ratio model. For different treatment effects, we construct different estimating functions and the nuisance parameters in estimating functions are estimated firstly by the empirical likelihood method. Here, we allow that the functions are nonsmooth with respect to parameters. The confidence interval for the treatment effect based on the empirical likelihood ratio method is also presented. We prove that the estimator based on the estimating equation is consistent and asymptotically normal and the empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic has a limiting scaled chi-square distribution.周勇 研究员数学系致远楼102会议室2014年12月9日(周二)下午14:40开始
Modules over the Heisenberg-Virasoro and W(2,2) algebrasIn this talk, we consider the modules for the Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra and the W-algebra W(2, 2). We determine the modules whose restriction to the Cartan subalgebra or maximal toral subalgebra (modulo center) are free of rank 1 for these two algebras. We also determine the simplicity of these modules. These modules provide new simple modules for the W-algebra W(2, 2).陈洪佳 教授(中国科学技术大学)数学系(致远楼)1072014年12月4日(周四) 10:00-11:00
From Kodaira Conjecture To Donaldson Question学 术 报 告报 告 人: 王 宏 玉 教授(扬州大学数学学院)报告题目:From Kodaira Conjecture To Donaldson Question 报告时间:2014年12月4日(周四)下午16:00-17:00 报告地点:致远楼107室欢迎广大师生参加! 2014-12-王 宏 玉 教授致远楼107室2014年12月4日(周四) 下午16:00-17:00
Some New Study On Differential Hanarck Inequality Along Ricci Flow学 术 报 告报 告 人: 郑 宇 教授(华东师范大学数学系)报告题目:Some New Study On Differential Hanarck Inequality Along Ricci Flow报告时间:2014年12月4日(周四)下午15:00-16:00报告地点:致远楼107室欢迎广大师生参加! 2014-12-郑 宇 教授致远楼107室2014年12月4日(周四)下午15:00-16:00
Convergence to stochastic integrals: beyond the semi-martingaleOn the convergence to stochastic integrals, most of previous works imposed a semi-martingale structure in establishing the asymptotics. This semi-martingale structure is not sufficiently general in many econometric applications, particularly in framework of cointegration. In this paper, we investigate the convergence to stochastic integrals beyond the semi-martingale. It is shown that limitation is essentially different if the semi-martingale innovation is replaced by a linear process or a sequence of mixing random variables, extending earlier results of Ibragimov and Phillips (2008) and De Jong (2002).Wang Qiying 教授数学系致远楼201小会议室(二楼)2014年11月27日(周四)下午16:00开始
On some logical link of ``twist'' and ``twist-equivalent''学术报告报告人: 胡乃红教授(华东师范大学)题目: On some logical link of ``twist'' and ``twist-equivalent''时间: 2014年11月22日(周六) 10:15-11:15地点:数学系(致远楼)107欢迎广大师生参加数学系、数学胡乃红教授数学系(致远楼)1072014年11月22日(周六) 10:15-11:15
系统地讲授李超代数的结构极其表示理论李超代数系列报告报告人:汪永杰(中国科学技术大学)报告内容:系统地讲授李超代数的结构极其表示理论时间: 2014年11月21日至2014年12月7日时间及地点:11月21日19:00-21:30 宁静楼104 其余报告均安排在第一教学楼514室具体报告时间及进度安排请至宁静楼111韩建智处咨询欢迎感兴趣的师生参汪永杰宁静楼10411月21日19:00-21:30