Day Trader Behavior and PerformanceThis talk aims to extend the literature concerning four patterns of behavior exhibited by day traders and the impact on performance. Based on the Sample of data from day traders from the Taiwan stock index futures (TXF) by analyzing transaction records of each trader. We will discuss why some day traders are profitable and others are not. By examining the transactions at an individual level, patterns of behavior can be identified. One goal of this paper is to better understand what patterns of day traders’behavior produce any given performance.郑登元教授,南京审计学院必赢76net线路数学系致远楼107室2014/4/18 上午10:00am -11:30am
分数阶微积分与分数阶微分方程学术报告报告人:寇春海教授(东华大学)题目:分数阶微积分与分数阶微分方程时间:2014年4月14日(星期一)下午3:00—4:00地点:致远楼10寇春海教授致远楼1022014年4月14日(星期一) 下午3:00—4:00
Portfolio Turnpikes in Incomplete Markets报告人:Prof. Hao Xing (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)题目: Portfolio Turnpikes in Incomplete Markets时间:2014年4月1日(星期二)下午4:00—5:30地点:数学系致远楼107欢迎各位参加Prof. Hao Xing数学系致远楼1072014年4月1日(星期二) 下午4:00—5:30
On a free boundary problem for the curvature flow with driving forceWe consider a free boundary problem associated with the curvature dependent motion of planar curves in the upper half plane whose two endpoints slide along the horizontal axis with prescribed fixed contact angles. Our first main result concerns the classification of solutions; every solution falls into one of the three categories, namely, area expanding, area bounded and area shrinking types. We then study in detail the asymptotic behavior of solutions in each category. Among other things we show that solutions are asymptotically self-similar both in the area expanding and the area shriknking cases, while solutions converge to either a stationary solution or a traveling wave in the area bounded case. We also prove results on the concavity properties of solutions. This is a joint work with Hiroshi Matano, Chang-Hong Wu and Jong-Shenq Guo.M. Shimojo (Okayama University of Science)致远楼1023月24日 14:00-15:00
Spreading speed and asymptotic profiles for solutions in free boundary proble...We study nonlinear advection-diffusion problems of the form u_t - u_{xx} + /beta u_x = f(u) with free boundaries x = h(t) and x = g(t). Such a problem may be used to describe the spreading of a biological or chemical species with the free boundaries representing the expanding fronts. The term /beta u_x represents an effect of advective environments. For logistic nonlinearity, it has been shown by Gu, Lin and Lou that the asymptotic spreading speeds of the two fronts h(t) and g(t) are different due to the advection term. In this paper, when the nonlinear function is a monostable, bistable or of combustion type, we give a much sharper estimate for the different spreading speeds of the fronts, and describe how the solution approaches a semi-wave when spreading happens. We develop new approaches and extend the result of Du, Matsuzawa and Zhou to the problem with an advection term.H. Matsuzawa (Numazu National College of Technology)致远楼1023月24日 15:00-16:00
On components that contain Heller lattices: an exampleAuslander-Reiten theory for finite dimensional algebras is well-established. There is also Auslander-Reiten theory for orders, but it seems no references which define AR-quivers for orders in non semi-simple algebras and study their shapes. I will explain how to construct almost split sequences for self-injective orders and introduce Heller lattices. Then, we show, in a simple example, the shape of components of stable AR-quiver that contain Heller lattices.大阪大学数学系有木進教授致远楼107教室2014年3月21日下午4:30-5:30
Financial market activity of ‘short-selling’Short-selling is important in asset–pricing and was legalized in China a few years ago. This topic would primarily suit a finance audience (post-graduates, staff and under-graduates) but might be of interest to staff and students from other disciplines too.Professor James Clunie致远楼1022014年3月15日星期五上午10:00-11:00