Look-Back GMRES(m) for Solving Large Nonsysmmetric Linear SystemsDevelopment of efficient solvers for solving linear systems Ax = b is one of the most significant issue on the field of computational science and engineering. The GMRES method of Saad and Schultz is a well-known solver as the typical Krylov subspace method for nonsymmetric linear systems. While the GMRES method show good convergence, it has difficulties in storage and computational costs. To remedy these difficulties, the restart technique is generally used as a practical choice. The restarted version of the GMRES method is called the GMRES(m) method. In this talk, we will focus on a relationship between the GMRES(m) method and the error equation and propose a new variant of the GMRES(m) method. Several numerical results will show that this new variant will be attractive.张绍良教授数学系(致远楼)107室2013年10月18日上午10:00-11:00
发展方程的谱元法及其并行化题 目:发展方程的谱元法及其并行化报告人:上海大学数学系学术委员会主任、教学指导委员会主任、博士生导师马和平 教授时间:2013年10月15日(星期二)下午3:00-3:50地点:数学系102马和平 教授数学系102室2013年10月15日(星期二)下午3:00-3:50
Spectral element method for fourth order题 目:Spectral element method for fourth order报告人:上海师范大学数理信息学院、名誉 院长、博士生导师郭本瑜 教授时间:2013年10月15日(星期二)下午4:00-5:00地点:数学系102郭本瑜 教授数学系102室2013年10月15日(星期二)下午4:00-5:00
OU型过程的若干统计推断问题我们讨论了OU型过程的三个统计推断问题,一是OU型过程的参数估计问题,在参数估计问题中,我们讨论了伽马OU型过程的最大似然估计、一般OU型过程的最大经验似然估计和基于连续矩的GM估计;二是检验二个OU型过程分布是否相等的假设检验问题;三是OU型过程的变点检验问题。时间:2013年10月15日(周二)下午14:30开始地点:数学系致远楼107张新生 教授数学系致远楼1072013年10月15日(周二)下午14:30开始
Variable Selection in fixed censored quantile regression with high dimensiona...We propose a two-step variable selection procedure for high dimensional fixed censored quantile regression, in which the response subject to fixed censoring, and the dimension of the covariates, is very large, possibly much larger than the sample size . To account for fixed censoring data with multivariate covariates, we employ the ideas of informative subset-based estimator (Tang et el. (2012)) and effective dimension reduction. Under some regularity conditions, we show our procedure enjoys the model selection consistency, as long as the conditional censoring probability can be estimated consistently. We demonstrate that the first step penalized estimator with LASSO penalty can reduces the model from ultra-high dimensional to a model whose size has the same order with the true model, and the selected model can cover the true model. The second step excludes the remained irrelevant covariates by applying adaptive LASSO penalty to the reduced model obtained from the first step.朱仲义 教授数学系致远楼1072013年10月15日(周二)下午15:45开始
代数群与量子群代数群与量子群讲义2013_1 代数群与量子群讲义2018_1代数群与量子群讲义2013_2 代数群与量子群讲义2018_2代数群与量子群讲义2013_3 代数群与量子群讲义2018_3代数群与量子群讲义2013_4 代数群与量子群讲义2018_4代数群与量子群讲义2013_5 代数群与量子群讲义2018_5代数群与量子群讲义2013_6 代数群与量子群讲义2019_1代数群与量子群讲义2014_1 代数群与量子群讲义2019_2代数群与量子群讲义2014_2 代数群与量子...
金融危机后信用风险建模的反思演讲人:诸蜀宁博士时间:2009年3月30日(星期一)下午 2:30时地点:致远楼107室演讲人简历:1985年四川大学数学系毕业,1990年美国乔治城大学经济系获博士学位,后历任世界银行高级经济师,汇丰银行高级经理,现任渣打银行新资本协议实施办主任。欢迎大家参加诸蜀宁博士致远楼107室2009年3月30日(星期一)下午 2:30时