Dynamics of delay coupled Van der Pol-Duffing oscillators报告人:张同华博士(Swinburne University of Technology)题目: Dynamics of delay coupled Van der Pol-Duffing oscillators时间:2013年6月18日(星期二)上午10:00—11:00地点:数学系宁静楼10张同华博士数学系宁静楼1042013年6月18日(星期二)上午10:00—11:00
Codimension two submanifolds attaining equality in the DDVV inequality报 告 人:马翔教授(北京大学)报告题目: Codimension two submanifolds attaining equality in the DDVV inequality报告时间:2013年6月18日(周二)16:00-17:00报告地点:致远楼105室The DDVV conjecture is a universal inequality for submanifolds in real space forms, which has been proved by Zizhou Tang and Jianquan Ge (also by Zhiqin Lu). The structure of the second fundamental form was explicitly found o...马翔教授(北京大学)致远楼105室2013年6月18日(周二)16:00-17:00
Quantum cohomology and integrable systemsI will introduce some of the differential equations which arise in quantum cohomology: the quantum differential equations, the WDVV equations, and the tt*-equations. These differential equations are motivated by the theory of Gromov-Witten invariants, but they have relations with various topics in differential, algebraic, and symplectic geometry. They are also "integrable systems", in the sense that they have many algebraic symmetries. In some cases at least, these symmetries can be used to solve the equations.Martin Guest 教授(早稻田大学)致远楼1052013年6月24日(星期一)早上10:20-11:20
Equivalence of MTS Method and CMR Method for Delay Differential Equations报告人:郁培教授 (University of Western Ontario)题目: Equivalence of MTS Method and CMR Method for Delay Differential Equations时间:2013年6月6日(星期四)下午3:30—4:30地点:南一教51郁培教授 (University of Western Ontario)南一教5192013年6月6日(星期四)下午3:30—4:30
A study of recurrent infection in deterministic in-host models报告人:张文婧博士 (University of Western Ontario)题目:A study of recurrent infection in deterministic in-host models时间:2013年6月6日(星期四)下午4:30—5:30地点:南一教51张文婧博士 (University of Western Ontario南一教5192013年6月6日(星期四)下午4:30—5:30
Backward stochastic differential equations报告人:薛军工教授(复旦大学)报告题目: 1. Backward stochastic differential equations2. Decoupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations and partial differential equation3. Convergence of Euler method for backward stochastic differential equations4. Implementations for Euler method时间:2013年6月6日-6月27日,每周四下午1:30—3:30地点:数学系致远楼10薛军工教授(复旦大学)数学系致远楼1072013年6月6日-6月27日,每周四下午1:30—3:30