Lifetime Portfolio Choice with Costly Adjustment for Living Standards题目:Lifetime Portfolio Choice with Costly Adjustment for Living Standards报告人:Prof. Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou University)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年11月29日 星期五 15:00—16:00摘要: We examine a model of consumption and portfolio choice over a finite horizon that incorporates adjustment costs for living standards, with a particular focus on older individuals. We show that the optimal co...Prof. Hyeng Keun Koo (Ajou University)致远楼108室2024年11月29日 星期五 15:00—16:00
Measure Equations, Optimization Problems and PDEs in Convex Geometry题目:Measure Equations, Optimization Problems and PDEs in Convex Geometry报告人:Prof. Gaoyong Zhang (New York University)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月22日 14:30-15:30摘要: Finding unknown convex geometric objects from their prescribed measurements went back to Minkowski in the 1890s and Aleksandrov and Fenchel in the 1930s. The geometric problems are called Minkowski problems, which requi...Prof. Gaoyong Zhang (New York University)致远楼101室2024年11月22日 14:30-15:30
Stabilized P^2-DG Method with Artificial Viscosity for Steady Hyperbolic Cons...题目: Stabilized P^2-DG Method with Artificial Viscosity for Steady Hyperbolic Conservation Laws报告人:刘铁钢 教授 (北京航空航天大学必赢国际bwin登录)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月22日 上午10:00-11:00简介:刘铁钢,北京航空航天大学必赢国际bwin登录教授,博士生导师。北京大学数学系理学学士和硕士、新加坡国立大学机械工程系工学博士。1989—1995年,在中国科学院计算数学研究所工作。1999—2007年,在新加坡科技...刘铁钢 教授 (北京航空航天大学必赢国际bwin登录)致远楼101室2024年11月22日 上午10:00-11:00
Singularities of KR Flow on Spherical Manifolds题目:Singularities of KR Flow on Spherical Manifolds报告人:朱小华 教授 (北京大学)地点:致远楼101室时间: 2024年11月26日 10:00-11:00摘要: The singularities analysis is a very difficult problem in Ricci flow on a higher dimensional manifold. In this talk, we will use the technique in the real Monge-Ampere equation to study the singular limit of KR flow on a class of spherical manifolds. Our re...朱小华 教授 (北京大学)致远楼101室2024年11月26日 10:00-11:00
Small-Noise-Induced Metastable Transition of Periodically Perturbed Langevin ...题目:Small-Noise-Induced Metastable Transition of Periodically Perturbed Langevin Systems: Also on Stochastic Hamiltonian Dynamics报告人:韦屏远 助理研究员 (北京大学北京国际数学研究中心)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年11月20日 15:00-16:00摘要:In this talk, we will talk about the noise-induced rare transition of periodically driven systems. The maximum likelihood paths (MLPs) are often sought, ...韦屏远 助理研究员 (北京大学北京国际数学研究中心)致远楼108室2024年11月20日 15:00-16:00
Spatial Interference Detection in Treatment Effect Models题目:Spatial Interference Detection in Treatment Effect Models报告人:杨莹 研究员 (复旦大学)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年11月21日 13:30-14:30Abstract:Modeling the interference effect is an important issue in the field of causal inference. Existing studies rely on explicit and often homogeneous assumptions regarding interference structures. In this paper, we introduce a low-rank and sparse t...杨莹 研究员 (复旦大学)致远楼108室2024年11月21日 13:30-14:30
Approximation of Convex Bodies in Hausdorff Distance by Random Polytopes题目:Approximation of Convex Bodies in Hausdorff Distance by Random Polytopes报告人:Elisabeth Werner(Case Western Reserve University)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月17日 10:00-11:00摘要: While there is extensive literature on approximation, deterministic as well as random, of general convex bodies in the symmetric difference metric, or other metrics coming from intrinsic volumes, very lit...Elisabeth Werner(Case Western Reserve University)致远楼101室2024年11月17日 10:00-11:00
AI-Based Algorithm for CT Imaging and CT-Based Liver Tumor Cryoablation Surge...题目:AI-Based Algorithm for CT Imaging and CT-Based Liver Tumor Cryoablation Surgery报告人:王册 副教授 (中山大学)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月14日 14:00-15:00摘要:Medical imaging and downstream analysis tasks have played an important role in AI-based healthcare diagnosis and treatment. In this talk, we will introduce two aspects in a practical diagnosis process. One is Computed Tomogra...王册 副教授 (中山大学)致远楼101室2024年11月14日 14:00-15:00