Unconditional Superconvergence Linearized Mass and Energy Conservation FEM fo...题目:Unconditional Superconvergence Linearized Mass and Energy Conservation FEM for CNLS Equations报告人:石东洋 教授 (烟台大学)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年10月20日 上午10:00-11:00摘要:Thistalk considerstheunconditional super.convergence analysis of a linearized Crank-Nicolsorfully-discrete scheme with FEM for CNLS equations.We show that this scheme has the mass and energyconservation prop...石东洋 教授 (烟台大学)致远楼101室2024年10月20日 上午10:00-11:00
Beyond Detection Boundary: Minimax Deficiency for Two-Sample Mean Tests in Hi...题目:Beyond Detection Boundary: Minimax Deficiency for Two-Sample Mean Tests in High Dimensions报告人: 邱宇谋 研究员(北京大学)地点: 致远楼108室时间: 2024年10月25日 10:00-11:00Abstract:The detection boundary is an effective tool for evaluating a high dimensional test procedure. However, it is not a comprehensive performance measure as it is built upon trivial cases where the sum of type I an...邱宇谋 研究员(北京大学)致远楼108室2024年10月25日 10:00-11:00
Pointwise Divergence-Free Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Maxwell E...题目:Pointwise Divergence-Free Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Maxwell Equations on Spherical Domains报告人:李会元 研究员 (中国科学院)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年10月18日 16:35-17:35摘要:In this talk, we first construct, on the basis of Hodge-Holmholtz decomposition theory, a complete system of curl-orthogonal vectorial polynomials exactly satisfying the divergence-free constrai...李会元 研究员 (中国科学院)致远楼108室2024年10月18日 16:35-17:35
On Robust Deep Learning for Stochastic Control Problems in Financial Mathemat...题目:On Robust Deep Learning for Stochastic Control Problems in Financial Mathematics,a Mathematical and a Machine Learning Perspective报告人:Prof.dr.ir C.W. Oosterlee (Utecht University)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年10月18日 14:00-15:00摘要In this presentation, we will present two perspectives on deep learning for optimal stochastic control, as it appears in computational finance in the cas...Prof.dr.ir C.W. Oosterlee (Utecht University)致远楼101室2024年10月18日 14:00-15:00
Local Genetic Correlation Via Knockoffs Removes Confounding Due to Cross-Trai...题目:Local Genetic Correlation Via Knockoffs Removes Confounding Due to Cross-Trait Assortative Mating报告人: 马诗洋 副研究员(上海交通大学)地点: 致远楼108室时间: 2024年10月18日 15:30-16:30Abstract:Local genetic correlation analysis is an important tool for identifying genetic loci with shared biology across traits. Recently Border et al. have shown that the results of these analyses are con...马诗洋 副研究员(上海交通大学)致远楼108室2024年10月18日 15:30-16:30
Highly Efficient and Energy Stable Multi-Step SAV Approaches for Phase Field ...题目: Highly Efficient and Energy Stable Multi-Step SAV Approaches for Phase Field Models报告人:陈艳萍 教授 (南京邮电大学)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年10月15日 15:30-16:30摘要:Recently, the scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach and its extended SAV-based approaches have been widely used to simulate a series of phase field models. However, many SAV-based schemes are known for the stabili...陈艳萍 教授 (南京邮电大学)致远楼108室2024年10月15日 15:30-16:30
Statistical Inference of GLMs and Causal Effects in Observational Studies und...题目:Statistical Inference of GLMs and Causal Effects in Observational Studies under Proportional Asymptotics报告人:刘林 副教授 (上海交通大学)地点: 致远楼108室时间: 2024年10月10日 15:30-17:00报告人简介:刘林于2011年必赢76net线路生命科学学院本科毕业,专业生物信息,于2018年取得哈佛大学生物统计博士,2020年底入职上海交通大学自然科学研究院,任职长聘教轨副教授。目前研究方向为因果推断、非参数/半参数统计...刘林 副教授 (上海交通大学)致远楼108室2024年10月10日 15:30-17:00
Some Convergence Results for RAS-Imp and RAS-PML for the Non-Trapping Helmhol...题目:Some Convergence Results for RAS-Imp and RAS-PML for the Non-Trapping Helmholtz Problems报告人:龚世华 助理教授(香港中文大学(深圳))地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年9月27日 18:30-19:30摘要:We consider two variants of restricted overlapping Schwarz methods for the non-trapping Helmholtz problems, which allow the optic-rays leaving a bounded domain in a uniform time. The first method, know...龚世华 助理教授(香港中文大学(深圳))致远楼101室2024年9月27日 18:30-19:30