The Quasi-Isometry Group of the Real Line cannot Act Effectively on the Line题目:The Quasi-Isometry Group of the Real Line cannot Act Effectively on the Line报告人:叶圣奎 副教授 (上海纽约大学)时间:2024年3月28日 星期四 9:30—10:30地点:致远楼108室摘要:We show that the group of orientation-preserving quasi-isometries of the real line is a left-orderable, non-simple group, but cannot act effectively on the real line by homeomorphisms. If time permits, we will discus...叶圣奎 副教授 (上海纽约大学)致远楼108室2024年3月28日 星期四 9:30—10:30
Symplectic Critical Surfaces and Related Evolution Equations题目:Symplectic Critical Surfaces and Related Evolution Equations报告人:孙俊 副教授 (武汉大学)时间:2023年3月21日 8:15-9:15地点:腾讯会议室摘要: In this talk, we will introduce a new family of functionals approaching to the existence of holomorphic curves in Kahler surface. We will study the properties of the critical points of the new functionals as well as the gradient flows. This is join...孙俊 副教授 (武汉大学)腾讯会议室2023年3月21日 8:15-9:15
The Neumann Problem of Special Lagrangian Type Equations题目:The Neumann Problem of Special Lagrangian Type Equations报告人:邱国寰 副研究员 (中科院数学研究所)时间: 2023年3月22日 9:00-10:00地点:腾讯会议室摘要: We study the Neumann problem for special Lagrangian type equations with critical and supercritical phases. These equations naturally generalize the special Lagrangian equation and the k-Hessian equation. By establishing uniform a priori e...邱国寰 副研究员 (中科院数学研究所)腾讯会议室2023年3月22日 9:00-10:00
Applications of Integral Inequalities to the Calculus of Variations题目:Applications of Integral Inequalities to the Calculus of Variations报告人:Prof. Cheung Wingsum (香港大学)时间:2023年3月21日 10:00-11:00地点:致远楼101室摘要A typical calculus of variations problem is to optimize a functional of functions of one variable. The classical approach is to solve the associated Euler-Lagrange equation. In case the functional involves higher order derivatives ...Prof. Cheung Wingsum (香港大学)致远楼101室2023年3月21日 10:00-11:00
随机可乘函数的最新进展题目:随机可乘函数的最新进展报告人:徐文强 研究员 (西蒙斯基金会)时间:2024年3月14日 下午 15:30-16:30地点:致远楼108室摘要:Random multiplicative functions are probabilistic models for important arithmetic functions in number theory, e.g. Mobius function, Dirichlet characters. In this talk, I would like to introduce the topic and emphasize some recent developments.报告人介绍:徐文强老师,美国Sim...徐文强 研究员 (西蒙斯基金会)致远楼108室2024年3月14日 下午 15:30-16:30
New Approach to the Free Boundary Problem of the Navier-Stokes Equations题目:New Approach to the Free Boundary Problem of the Navier-Stokes Equations报告人:Prof. Keiichi Watanabe (Suwa University of Science)时间:2024年3月5日(星期二) 15:30-16:30地点:宁静楼110室摘要:In this talk, we consider the maximal regularity theorem of the Stokes equations with free boundary conditions in the half-space within $L_1$-in-time and $\mathcal{B}^s_{q,1}$-in-space framework ...Prof. Keiichi Watanabe (Suwa University of Science)宁静楼110室2024年3月5日(星期二) 15:30-16:30
The Role of AI in Mathematics必赢76net线路法语文化月系列活动之学术讲座题目:The Role of AI in Mathematics报告人:致远数学讲堂:Prof. Amaury Hayat (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)时间:2024年3月7日 15:30-17:00地点:致远楼108室摘要:Artificial Intelligence (AI) has demonstrated remarkable achievements across various domains, from natural language processing to mastering complex games like chess. This naturally raises the question: c...致远数学讲堂:Prof. Amaury Hayat (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)致远楼108室2024年3月7日 15:30-17:00
Stable Patterns in Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Mass Conservation题目:Stable Patterns in Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Mass Conservation报告人:Prof. Yoshihisa Morita (Emeritus Professor of Ryukoku University,Joint Research Center for Science and Technology)时间: 2024年1月18日 星期四 下午13:30-14:30地点:ZOOM会议室Zoom ID: 999 571 271 58; Password:123456Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99957127158报告摘要:In the field of cell polarity certain rea...Prof. Yoshihisa Morita (Emeritus Professor of Ryukoku University,Joint Research Center for Science and Technology)ZOOM会议室2024年1月18日 星期四 下午13:30-14:30