集合竞价的股市交易实验研究题目:集合竞价的股市交易实验研究报告人:王铎 教授单位:北京大学金融数学系,华南师范大学数学学院时间:10月27日下午3:30地点:数学系107室欢迎广大教师和研究生参王铎 教授数学系107室10月27日下午3:30
依赖于时间变化波动率的多因子HJM 模型的利率衍生产品的定价We investigate the partial differential equation (PDE) for pricing interest derivatives in the multi-factor Cheyette Model, that involves time-dependent volatility functions with a special structure. The high dimensional parabolic PDE that results is solved numerically via a modified sparse grid approach, that turns out to be accurate and efficient. In addition we study the corresponding Monte Carlo simulation, which is fast since the distribution of the state variables can be calculated explicitly. The results obtained from both methodologies are compared to the analytical solution existing for bonds and caplets. Keywords: Cheyette Model, Gaussian HJM, Multi-Factor Model, PDE Valuation, Sparse Grid, Monte Carlo SimulationCarl Chiarella数学系107周四(10月20日)下午3:30
渗流方程解的渐近复杂性报告人:尹景学教授(华南师范大学)题目: 渗流方程解的渐近复杂性时间:2011年10月21日,星期五下午4:00—5:00地点:数学系致远楼107欢迎各位参加尹景学教授(华南师范大学)数学系致远楼1072011年10月21日,星期五 下午4:00—5:00
Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives in a Multifactor HJM Model with Time Depend...We investigate the partial differential equation (PDE) for pricing interest derivatives in the multi-factor Cheyette Model, that involves time-dependent volatility functions with a special structure. The high dimensional parabolic PDE that results is solved numerically via a modified sparse grid approach, that turns out to be accurate and efficient. In addition we study the corresponding Monte Carlo simulation, which is fast since the distribution of the state variables can be calculated explicitly. The results obtained from both methodologies are compared to the analytical solution existing for bonds and caplets. Keywords: Cheyette Model, Gaussian HJM, Multi-Factor Model, PDE Valuation, Sparse Grid, Monte Carlo SimulationCarl Chiarella (University of Technology数学系107.周四(10月20日)下午3:30
Workshop on Geometry and TopologyWorkshop on Geometry and TopologyOctober 14-16, 2011Department of Mathematics, Tongji UniversityScheduleOctober 14, Friday8:50-9:00 Opening ceremonyChair: Bian Baojun9:00-9:45 Zhang Weiping (Chern Institute, Nankai University)Dirac operators and vanishing theorems9:55-10:40 Ding Qing (Fudan University)Bounded Harmonic Functions on Riemannian Manifolds ofNonpositive CurvatureTea break (take grou...October 14-16, 2011 Department of Mathematics, Tongji University
The Scalar Curvature Flow报 告 人:徐兴旺 教授(国立新加坡大学数学系)报告题目: The Scalar Curvature Flow报告时间:2011年9月23日(周五)下午3:30-4:30报告地点:致远楼107室欢迎广大师生参加!2011-9-1徐兴旺 教授致远楼107室2011年9月23日(周五)下午3:30-4:30
Risk Management of Portfolios by CVaR OptimizationAbstract: The optimal portfolio selection problem is the fundamental optimization problem in finance – optimally balancing risk and return, with possible additional constraints. Unfortunately the classical optimization approach is very sensitive to estimation error, especially with respect to the estimated mean return, and the resulting efficient frontier may be of little practical value. Indeed it may be dangerous from a risk management point of view. A popular alternative, usually under the banner of “robust optimization” is ultra-conservative and, we argue, not really robust! In this sense it may also be of questionable practical value. We propose an alternative optimization approach – a CVaR optimization formulation that is relatively insensitive to estimation error, yields diversified optimal portfolios, and can be implemented efficiently. We discuss this promising approach in this talk and present strongly supportive numerical results.Professor Thomas F. Coleman Ophelia Lazaridis University Research Chair 滑铁卢保险,证券与计量金融研究所,主任 (加拿大滑铁卢(Waterloo)大学,组合与优化系)致远楼107室9月15日(周四)下午 4:00-5:00
Convex Relaxations for Recovering Sparse Signals with Noise报告人:徐洪坤教授(台湾中山大学西湾讲座教授,南非科学院院士)题目: Convex Relaxations for Recovering Sparse Signals with Noise时间:2011年9月1日(星期四)下午4:30—5:30地点:数学系致远楼107欢迎各位参加徐洪坤教授(台湾中山大学西湾讲座教授,南非科学院院士)数学系致远楼1072011年9月1日(星期四) 下午4:30—5:30