Anisotropic Moser-Trudinger Inequality and Its Related Inequalities题目:Anisotropic Moser-Trudinger Inequality and ts Related Inequalities报告人:周春琴 教授 (上海交通大学)时间:2023年6月6日 14:00-15:00地点:腾讯会议室摘要: In this talk, I mainly introduce some ideas that be used to extend the classical Moser-Trudinger inequality to its anisotropic type. Similar arguments can be applied for establishing the anisotropic weighted Moser-Trudinger inequality an...周春琴 教授 (上海交通大学)腾讯会议室2023年6月6日 14:00-15:00
Austere Matrices, Austere Submanifolds and Dupin Hypersurfaces题目:Austere Matrices, Austere Submanifolds and Dupin Hypersurfaces报告人:葛建全 教授 (北京师范大学)时间:2023年6月6日 8:30-9:30地点:腾讯会议室摘要:We introduce a recent work joint with Yi Zhou about austere matrices and austere submanifolds, which is motivated from isoparametric theory and related to Bryant’s austere space and Dupin hypersurfaces. In particular, we solve a problem prop...葛建全 教授 (北京师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年6月6日 8:30-9:30
后量子公钥密码-基于编码的密码体制题目:后量子公钥密码-基于编码的密码体制报告人:岳勤 教授 (南京航空航天大学)时间:2023年6月2日 15:20-16:20地点:致远楼108室摘要:在美国Nist全球征集后量子公钥密码体制标准的第四轮中,基于编码的密码体制入围四个候选之一,华为全球征集的10大数学问题中代数几何码作为第八个问题,其中涉及到代数几何码-Goppa码。这个报告主要介绍基于编码的密码体制中一些数学问题,描述这个体制,以及关于这个密码体制中最新成果...岳勤 教授 (南京航空航天大学)致远楼108室2023年6月2日 15:20-16:20
Unboundedness of Tate-Shafarevich Groups in Fixed Cyclic Extensions题目:Unboundedness of Tate-Shafarevich Groups in Fixed Cyclic Extensions报告人:欧阳毅 教授 (中国科学技术大学)时间:2023年6月2日 14:00-15:00地点:致远楼108室摘要:In this talk we prove two unboundedness results about the Tate-Shafarevich groups of abelian varieties in a fixed nontrivial cyclic extension L/K of global fields, firstly in the case that K is a number field and the abelian variet...欧阳毅 教授 (中国科学技术大学)致远楼108室2023年6月2日 14:00-15:00
Riemannian Metrics with Prescribed Finite Parts of Spectra题目:Riemannian Metrics with Prescribed Finite Parts of Spectra报告人:王作勤 教授 (中国科学技术大学)时间:2023年5月30日 16:30-17:30地点:致远楼101室摘要:In 1980s Colin de Verdiere proved that on any closed manifold of dimension at least 3, one can construct a smooth metric with arbitrarily prescribed finite parts of eigenvalues. Later on Lohkamp showed that one can further prescribe the vo...王作勤 教授 (中国科学技术大学)致远楼101室2023年5月30日 16:00-17:00
The Dual Minkowski Problem for Unbounded Closed Convex Sets题目:The Dual Minkowski Problem for Unbounded Closed Convex Sets报告人:Professor Deping Ye (Memorial University of Newfoundland)时间:2023年5月30日15:30-16:30地点:致远楼101室Abstract: A central problem in convex geometry is to characterize the surface area measure of convex bodies. This is the well-known Minkowski problem which has found fundamental applications in analysis, PDEs, compute...Professor Deping Ye (Memorial University of Newfoundland)致远楼101室2023年5月30日15:30-16:30
Family Index Theorem and Eta Form题目:Family Index Theorem and Eta Form报告人:刘博 教授 (华东师范大学)时间:2023年5月30日 10:05-11:05地点:腾讯会议室摘要:In this talk, we will discuss various generalizations of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and introduce a comparison formula of equivariant eta forms. This is a joint work with Xiaonan Ma.参会方式:腾讯会议室账号:692-144-257All are welcome刘博 教授 (华东师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年5月30日 10:05-11:05
Liouville theorem for a Class Semilinear Elliptic Equation on Heisenberg Grou...题目:Liouville theorem for a Class Semilinear Elliptic Equation on Heisenberg Group报告人:欧乾忠 教授 (广西师范大学)时间:2023年5月30日 9:05-10:05地点:腾讯会议室摘要:In this talk, we will study a Liouville type theorem for the classical semilinear subcritical elliptic equation on the Heisenberg group.A pointwise estimate near the isolated singularity is also provided. The soul of the proo...欧乾忠 教授 (广西师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年5月30日 9:05-10:05