On the Willmore Problem for Surfaces with SymmetriesIn 1989, Kusner proposed the generalized Willmore conjecture which states that the Lawson minimal surfaces $\xi_{g,1}$ minimizes uniquely the Willmore energy for all immersions in the 3-sphere with genus g>0. We show that it holds under some symmetric assumption. That is, the conjecture holds if $f:M\rightarrow S^3$ is of genus $g>1$ and is symmetric under the symmetric group $G_{g,1}$ action. Here $G_{g,1}$ denote the symmetric group of $\xi_{g,1}$ generated by reflections of circles of $S^3$, used in Lawson's original construction of $\xi_{g,1}$. This is based on joint works with Prof. Kusner.王鹏 教授(福建师范大学)腾讯会议 ID:487 135 2102021年7月6日 15:30-16:30
An Introduction to Hyperbolic Dehn FillingsIn these talks, I will briefly survey some development of results on hyperbolic Dehn fillings. I will discuss works of I.Agol and M.Lackenby related to bounds on exceptional Dehn fillings of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds.刘毅 教授 (北京大学)宁静楼104室2021年7月2号 9:00-11:00
Cone Spherical Metrics on Compact Riemann SurfacesCone spherical metrics are constant curvature +1 conformal metrics with finitely many cone singularities on compact Riemann surfaces. Their existence has been an open problem since 1980s. The speaker will talk about the recent progresses on this problem joint with Qing Chen, Yu Feng, Bo Li, Lingguang Li, Yiqian Shi, Jijian Song and Yingyi Wu.致远楼101室2021年7月2日 星期五 13:30-15:30
Pointed Modular Tensor CategoryA modular tensor category is pointed if every simple object is a simple current. We show that any pointed modular tensor category is equivalent to the module category of a lattice vertex operator algebra. Moreover, if the pointed modular tensor category C is the module category of a twisted Drinfeld double associated to a finite abelian group G and a 3-cocycle with coefficients in U(1), then there exists a selfdual positive definite even lattice L such that G can be realized an automorphism group of lattice vertex operator algebra $V_L,$ $V_L^G$ is also a lattice vertex operator algebra and C is equivalent to the module category of $V_L^G.$ This is a joint work with S. Ng and L. Ren.董崇英 教授(美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校)致远楼108室2021年6月29日 16:00-16:50
Super Orbifold TheoryLet V be a vertex operator superalgebra and G a finite automorphism group of V containing the canonical automorphism such that V^G is regular.We classify the irreducible V^G -modules appearing in twisted V -modules and prove that these are all the irreducible V^G -modules. Moreover, the quantum dimensions of irreducible V^G -modules are determined, a global dimension formula for V in terms of twisted modules is obtained and a super quantum Galois theory is established. In addition, the S-matrix of V^G is computed.任丽 研究员 (四川大学)致远楼108室2021年6月29日 17:00-17:50
Non-Uniqueness of Solutions to the Dual Minkowski ProblemI will discuss the result on the non-uniqueness of solutions to the dual Minkowski problem. In particular we show that for the problem with constant right hand side, when $q>2n$ the solution is non-unique.陈世炳 教授 (中国科学技术大学)致远楼101室2021年6月21日 14:30-15:30
Regularity of Free Boundary for the Monge-Ampere Obstacle ProblemIn this talk, we talk about the regularity of the free boundary in the Monge-Ampere obstacle problem. This is a joint work with Prof. Tang Lan and Prof. Wang Xu-Jia.黄耿耿 副教授 (复旦大学)致远楼101室2021年6月21日 15:30-16:30
Post-Quantum Key Exchange from the LWEIn this lecture, we present practical and provably secure (authenticated) key exchange protocol and password authenticated key exchange protocol, which are based on the learning with errors problems. These protocols are conceptually simple and have strong provable security properties. This type of new constructions were started in 2011-2012. These protocols are shown indeed practical. We will explain that all the existing LWE based key exchanges are variants of this fundamental design. In addition, we will explain some issues with key reuse and how to use the signal function invented for KE for authentication schemes.丁津泰 教授 (清华大学丘成桐数学中心)致远楼103室2021年6月18日 10:00-11:00