从Hecke代数到Temperley-Lieb代数的新同态众所周知存在从ADE型Hecke代数到对应类型的Temperley-Lieb代数的自然满同态。我们发现从非ADE型Hecke代数也具有到某些类型的Temperley-Lieb代数的有趣的同态。利用这种同态能够恰好“实现”出二面体型Hecke代数的所有二维不可约表示。在这些同态的构造过程中意外遇见了切比雪夫多项式。陈智 副教授 (合肥工业大学)腾讯会议室2021年4月20日 14:00-15:00
从Hecke代数到Temperley-Lieb代数的新同态众所周知存在从ADE型Hecke代数到对应类型的Temperley-Lieb代数的自然满同态。我们发现从非ADE型Hecke代数也具有到某些类型的Temperley-Lieb代数的有趣的同态。利用这种同态能够恰好“实现”出二面体型Hecke代数的所有二维不可约表示。在这些同态的构造过程中意外遇见了切比雪夫多项式。陈智 副教授 (合肥工业大学)腾讯会议室2021年4月20日 14:00-15:00
On the Mapping Class Groups of Certain High Dimensional ManifoldsLet M be a compact smooth oriented manifold. The set of isotopy classes of orientation-preserving self-diffeomorphism of M is a group through composition of maps, which is called the mapping class group of M. In this talk, we mainly concern with the mapping class groups of high dimensional manifolds. This talk divides into three parts. In the first part, we will recall some basic definitions and propositions of mapping class groups of high dimensional manifolds. In the second part, we will discuss the calculations of the mapping class groups of standard spheres, exotic spheres and product of spheres. In the third part, we will say something about the mapping class groups of HP2-like manifolds. This work is joint with Yang Su.王慰 副教授(上海海洋大学)致远楼101室2021年04月14日 16:30-17:30
Fixed Point Indices and Fixed Words at Infinity of Selfmaps of GraphsThe index $\ind(\F)$ of a fixed point class $\F$ is a classical invariant in Nielsen fixed point theory. In this talk, for graph selfmaps, we introduce a new invariant $\ichr(\F)$ called the improved characteristic, and show that the two homotopy invariants mentioned above are exactly the same. Since the improved characteristic is totally determined by the endomorphism of the fundamental group, we give a group-theoretical approach to compute indices of fixed point classes of graph selfmaps. As consequences, we give some applicaitons on fixed words of endomorphisms of free groups. This is joint work with Zhao Xuezhi.张强 副教授(西安交通大学)致远楼101室2021年04月14日 15:30-16:30
Learning Multiscale Models Using Nonlocal Upscaling题目:Learning Multiscale Models Using Nonlocal Upscaling报告人:Prof. Eric Chung (香港中文大学)地点:致远楼101室时间:2021年3月31日 下午2:00--3:00欢迎各位参加Prof. Eric Chung (香港中文大学)致远楼101室2021年3月31日 下午2:00--3:00
Lower bounds for the Eigenvalue Estimates of the Submanifold Dirac OperatorWe get optimal lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the submanifold Dirac operator on locally reducible Riemannian manifolds in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic expressions. The limiting-cases are also studied. As a corollary, one gets several known results in this direction.陈永发 副教授(华中师范大学)https://meeting.tencent.com/s/0s2Q715W1X1w2021年03月30日 14:00-15:00
复几何中一类完全非线性偏微分方程在本次报告中,我们将讨论一类复Monge-Ampere型偏微分方程及其在复几何中的应用。李逸 教授(东南大学)https://meeting.tencent.com/s/0s2Q715W1X1w2021年03月30日 13:00-14:00
Isoperimetric Problem and Minkowski Problems in Integral Geometric AnalysisIsoperimetric problem is to determine a convex body of maximum volume with fixed surface area and is equivalent to the isoperimetric inequality. The Minkowski problem in differential geometry asked for necessary and sufficient conditions such that a positive smooth function on the sphere is the Gauss curvature of a convex hypersurface.This problem has been solved by Nirenberg, Pogorelov, Cheng-Yau and others. Those two problems are among the most important and closely related problems in mathematics. We will address Minkowskin problems in integral and convex geometry that are inspired by Lutwak-Yang-Zhang.周家足 教授(西南大学)致远楼101室2021年3月17日15:30-16:30