Representations of Lie Algebras of Vector Fields on Algebraic VarietiesWe will discuss recent developments in the representation theory of Lie algebras of polynomial vector fields on algebraic varieties (based on joint results with Y.Billih, J.Nilssen and A.Zaidan). In particular, we focus on the classification of irreducible representations of the Lie algebra of vector fields on a torus.Prof. Vyacheslav Futorny (巴西圣保罗大学)致远楼108室2019年12月23日(周一) 16:00-17:00
Some Rigidity Results on Minimal Hypersurfaces in Unit SpheresWe introduce a recent (on-going) work joint with Fagui Li on minimal hypersurfaces in unit spheres, where some integral inequalities and their equality characterizations are obtained.葛建全 教授 (北京师范大学)致远楼101室2019年12月19日 16:00-17:00
Analysis on Some Non-Local Type PDEsWe present some work on analysis of elliptic PDEs of non-local types. And we give a brief introduction on: some basic maximum principles, existence and uniqueness, classi_cations and Liouville type theorems, Bocher type theorems and the related maximum principles for singular solutions. The focus is on the ideas and related basic estimates behind these research work. We will also discuss some basic estimates for linear equations.李从明 教授 (上海交通大学 必赢国际bwin登录)致远楼103室2019年12月19日 16:00-17:00
Noncommutative Geometry of Quiver with PotentialI will survey some recent progress on differential calculus of quivers with potentials and give some applications of it to algebraic geometry and representation theory.华诤 博士(香港大学)致远楼101室2019年12月18日 星期三 14:45-15:45
An Inexact Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Framework with Arbitrary Linearly Co...We propose an inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian framework with explicit inner problem termination rule for composite convex optimization problems. We consider arbitrary linearly convergent inner solver including in particular stochastic algorithms, making the resulting framework more scalable facing the ever-increasing problem dimension. Each subproblem is solved inexactly with an explicit and self-adaptive stopping criterion, without requiring to set an a priori target accuracy. When the primal and dual domain瞿铮 博士(香港大学)致远楼101室2019年12月18日 星期三 13:30-14:30
Learning Multiscale Models Using Nonlocal Upscaling TechniquesIn this talk, we present a novel nonlocal nonlinear coarse grid approximation using a machine learning algorithm. Multiscale models for complex nonlinear systems require nonlocal multicontinua approaches. These rigorous techniques require complex local computations, which involve solving local problems in oversampled regions subject to constraints. The solutions of these local problems can be replaced by solving original problem on a coarse (oversampled) region for many input parameters (boundary and source terms) and computing effective properties derived by nonlinear nonlocal multicontinua approaches. The effective properties depend on many variables (oversampled region and the number of continua), thus their calculations require some type of machine learning techniques.Prof. Eric Chung (香港中文大学)致远楼101室2019年12月16日 14:00-15:00
Multiscale Reduced Basis Methods for Semiclassical Schrodinger Equation with ...The semiclassical Schrodinger equation with multiscale and random potentials often appearswhen studying electron dynamics in heterogeneous quantum systems. As time evolves, the wavefunction develops high-frequency oscillations in both the physical space and the random space, which poses severe challenges for numerical methods. We propose a multiscale reduced basis method, where we construct multiscale reduced basis functions using an optimization method and the proper orthogonal decomposition method in the physical space and employ the quasi-Monte Carlo method in the random space.陈景润 教授(苏州大学)致远楼101室2019年12月13日 16:00-17:00
Analysis of a Mixed Method for Quad-Curl ProblemWe provide error analysis of a mixed method with stabilization along mesh interface for the Quad-Curl problem. We present a new discrete embedding inequality. With the help of this embedding inequality, we show the mixed method converges optimally in energy norm even when the solution has only low regularity.邱蔚峰 教授 (香港城市大学)宁静楼115室2019年12月12日 16:00-17:00