Abundance Of Irreducible Tensor Product of Linear OperatorsThe subspace of symmetric tensors and the subspace of anti-symmetric tensors are two natural reducing subspaces of tensor product A⊗I+I⊗A and A⊗A for any bounded linear operator A on a complex separable Hilbert space H. We show the set of operators A such that these two subspaces are the only (nontrivial) reducing subspaces of A⊗I+I⊗A is a dense G_δ set in B(H). This generalizes Halmos’s theorem that the set of irreducible operators is a dense G_δ set in B(H). The same question for A⊗A is still open.Prof. Caixing Gu (California Polytechnic State University)致远楼101室2019年6月19日 9:00-10:00
The Geometry of Manifolds with RC-Positive Tangent BundlesIn this presentation, we will give some recent progress on the geometry of compact complex manifolds with RC-positive tangent bundles including confirming a long-standing open problem of Yau on rational connectedness and various rigidity theorems of harmonic maps and holomorphic maps.杨晓奎 教授 (清华大学)致远楼101室2019年6月17日 10:20-11:20
Reducing Subspaces of Tensor Products of Operators and Representation of Perm...For a complex Hilbert space H, the d-copy tensor product of H is denoted by H^⊗d. For a class of tensor products of operators on H^⊗d which are invariant under a subgroup of the permutation group of d element, we identify their reducing subspaces. These reducing subspaces are formally (or implicitly) known through Schur-Weyl duality in the group representation theory where finite dimensional vectors spaces and the invertible similarity are general used. We state these results in the operator theoretic framework which deals with infinite dimensional complex Hilbert spaces and uses the unitary similarity. We explicitly display some of these reducing subspaces. Most importantly we initiate the investigation of the question for which operator these reducing subspaces are minimal.Prof . Caixing Gu(California Polytechnic State University)致远楼101室2019年6月17日 9:00-10:00
Small Eigenvalues of Closed Riemann Surfaces for Large GenusWe study the asymptotic behavior of small eigenvalues of Riemann surfaces for large genus. We show that for any integer k>0, as the genus g goes to infinity, the smallest k-th eigenvalue of a Riemann surface in any thick part of moduli space of Riemann surfaces of genus g is uniformly comparable to 1/g^2 in g. This is a joint work with Yuhao Xue.吴云辉 副教授 (清华大学)致远楼101室2019年6月17日 16:30-17:30
Hodge-Riemann Bilinear Relations with Respect to Degenerate ClassessWe first discuss some relations between positivity, geometric PDEs and Hodge-index type theorems. It is noted that using complex Hessian equations and the concavity inequalities for elementary symmetric polynomials inspires a generalized form of Hodge index inequality. Inspired by this result, we obtain a mixed Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation. The new feature is that this Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation holds with respect to classes in which some satisfy particular positivity condition, but could be degenerate along some directions. We also discuss its some connnections with the Hodge theory of algebraic maps.肖建 副教授 (清华大学)致远楼101室2019年6月17日 15:30-16:30
Dual Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski TheoryThe dual Brunn-Minkowski theory, initiated by Lutwak, provides powerful tools to solve the long-standing Busemann-Petty problem in the 1990's. Among those deep results, the dual Brunn-Minkowski and dual Minkowski inequalities are the most important. In this talk, I will discuss the newly introduced dual Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski theory, a nontrivial extension of the dual Brunn-Minkowski theory. In particular, I will talk about the dual Orlicz-Minkowski and dual Orlicz-Brunn-Minkowski inequalities. These inequalities are based on the Orlicz-addition of star bodies, and are thought to朱保成 教授 (湖北民族大学)致远楼101室2019年6月14日 19:00-20:00
On the Farrell-Jones ConjectureFarrell-Jones Conjecture plays an important role in manifold topology. It implies for example the Borel Conjecture and the Novikov Conjecture. In the first part of this talk I will give an overview of the conjecture with special emphasis on the K-theory version. I will first give an gentle introduction to algebraic K-theory and discuss the connections with manifold topology. We then formulate the conjecture and discuss the status of it. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss some methods that can be used to prove the conjecture. If time permits, I will also discuss some of my recent work.伍晓磊 博士(Bonn University)致远楼101室2019年6月11日 19:00-21:00
PDE Backstepping Control of Shallow Water Waves: Application to a River Sedim...Global warming is drastically altering rainfall patterns, increasing the risk of expensive floods and water scarcity.These contingencies are further accentuated by the rapid conversion of natural landscapes to urbanized areas that are continuallygrowing in population. Sustainable management strategies are becoming critical to ensure the optimum use of an essential but limited water resource on the planet. Often, river infrastructures such as dams, gates and reservoirs are built to satisfy human societies’ water and energy demand. However, the maintenance of costly engineered rivers’ infrastructures is still posing crucial problems related to reservoirs sedimentation and ecosystems preservation.Mamadou Diagne assistant professor (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)致远楼101室2019年6月11日13:30-14:30