5月15日星期五 上午 |




8:50-9:00 |
欢迎词 |
梁汉营 |
9:00-9:50 |
Witten Rigidity on Odd Dimensional Manifolds |
韩飞 |
梁汉营 |
9:50-10:15 |
拍照 |
10:15-11:05 |
王诗宬 |
赵学志 |
11:10-12:00 |
Matrix group actions on CAT(0) spaces and Spheres |
叶圣奎 |
12:00-2:30 |
午餐 |
5月15日星期五 下午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼107) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
2:30-3:00 |
实moment-angle流形的上同调环 |
蔡力 |
潘生亮 |
3:20-3:50 |
self-dual codes and simple polytopes |
陈波 |
3:50-4:20 |
茶歇 |
4:20-4:50 |
On the character varieties of the pretzel knots |
陈海苗 |
潘建中 |
5:00-5:30 |
Generators of some bordism groups |
王慰 |
5:30- |
晚餐 |
5月15日星期五 下午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼105) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
1:30-2:20 |
Generators of the mapping class groups (I) |
杜晓明 |
张影 |
2:30-3:20 |
Generators of the mapping class groups (II) |
杜晓明 |
3:20-3:40 |
茶歇 |
3:40-4:30 |
Generators of the mapping class groups (III) |
杜晓明 |
4:40-5:30 |
Nielsen realization theorem (I) |
王家军 |
5:30- |
晚餐 |
5月16日星期六 上午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼107) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
9:00-9:50 |
Rotating families with applications to Mapping class groups |
杨文元 |
邱瑞锋 |
9:50-10:10 |
茶歇 |
10:10-11:00 |
On a class of quotient spaces of moment-angle complexes |
于立 |
吕志 |
11:10-12;00 |
On Minimal Genus Problem |
吴忠涛 |
12:00-2:30 |
午餐 |
5月16日星期六 下午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼107) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
2:30-3:00 |
Topology of local symplectic conifold transitions on -bundles |
江怡 |
苏 阳 |
3:20-3:50 |
Free involutions on some special manifolds |
杨建强 |
3:50-4:20 |
茶歇 |
4:20-4:50 |
The fixed point data and equivariant Chern numbers |
马骏 |
刘秀贵 |
5:00-5:30 |
A Bona Fide CW Decomposition of Compact Manifolds Resulting from Morse Theory |
秦理真 |
5:30- |
晚餐 |
5月16日星期六 下午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼105) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
1:30-2:20 |
Nielsen realization theorem (II) |
王家军 |
杨志青 |
2:30-3:20 |
Torelli group and Johnson homeomorphism (I) |
刘勍 |
3:20-3:40 |
茶歇 |
3:40-4:30 |
Torelli group and Johnson homeomorphism (II) |
刘勍 |
4:40-5:30 |
Torelli group and Johnson homeomorphism (III) |
刘勍 |
5:30- |
晚餐 |
5月17日星期天 上午 |
时间 |
报告(致远楼107) |
报告人 |
主持人 |
9:00-9:50 |
Arithmetic hyperbolic lattices with a fixed invariant trace field |
马继明 |
王家军 |
9:50-10:20 |
茶歇 |
10:20-11:10 |
Homotopy decompositions in homotopy theory |
赵浩 |
王向军 |
11:10-12:00 |
茶歇&自由讨论 |
12:00- |
午餐 |
1. 实moment-angle流形的上同调环
摘要:一个实moment-angle复形(简记为RMAC)是一个特殊的cubical复形(即每个胞腔是某个维数的立方体),可嵌入(某个维数的)欧式空间的单位立方体之中,并同伦于该欧式空间中一个由坐标平面构成的subspace arrangement的补空(complement)。一个RMAC的拓扑可由其对应的抽象单纯复形K来理解:它是拓扑流形当且仅当K满足一定的组合拓扑条件;其上同调环也可以从由K导出的一个特殊的代数来描述。
2. Self-dual codes and simple polytopes
Abstract: A small cover is a closed n-manifold with a mod 2 torus action and a simple polytope as its orbit space. As known in Toric Topology, many algbraic topologic invaraint could be written in terms of the combinatorics of the simple polytope. The interesting thing in this talk is that the binary self-dual codes in coding theory ouccrs in the equivariant cohomology of some small cover with diagonal
subaction. Furthermore, the codes could be expressed simply and directly by the combinatorics of the simple polytopes.
3. On the character varieties of the pretzel knots
Abstract:For a family of the 3-strand pretzel knots
, we give a description of their
-character varieties, and compute the A-polynomials.
4. Witten Rigidity on Odd Dimensional Manifolds
Abstract: An elliptic operator on a manifold is called rigid if its equivariant index is constant or vanishing when the manifold admits a nontrivial Lie group action. Classical operators like the signature operators, the Dirac operators and etc. are rigid. The Witten rigidity conjecture predicts the rigidity of many important twisted Dirac operators on even dimensional spin manifolds and was proved by Bott, Taubes and Liu. In this talk, I will describe Witten type rigidity theorems on odd dimensional spin manifolds. This represents our joint work with Jianqing Yu.
5. Topology of local symplectic conifold transitions on
Abstract: Symplectic conifold transitions are symplectic surgeries along Lagrangian spheres in symplectic 6-manifolds. A natural question is if symplectic conifold transitions preserve Kahler structures. As the projectivizations of rank two holomorphic vector bundles over Kahler surfaces form a typical family of Kahler 3-folds, we prove the local symplectic conifold transitions of these 3-folds are all diffeomorphic to Kahler 3-folds. More generally, we determine the diffeomorphism types of local symplectic conifold transitions on all
-bundles over symplectic 4-manifolds.
6.Arithmetic hyperbolic lattices with a fixed invariant trace field
Abstract: We study the distribution of arithmetic hyperbolic lattices with a fixed invariant trace field
, we show the number of maximal arithmetic lattices in
with covolume at most
is bounded by polynomials on
7. The fixed point data and equivariant Chern numbers
马骏 (复旦大学)
Abstract: First, we follow the line of Tom Dieck to consider the unitary
-equivariant cobordism and prove equivariant Chern numbers determine the bordism class of a stable almost complex
-manifold. For given set of trivial
action connected compact unitary manifolds and
complex vector bundle of them, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a stable almost complex
manifold with the given fixed point data by using equivariant Chern numbers .
8. A Bona Fide CW Decomposition of Compact Manifolds Resulting from Morse Theory
秦理真 (南京大学)
摘要:Consider a Morse function on a compact Riemannian manifold. This manifold is a disjoint union of unstable manifolds of the negative gradient of the Morse function. These unstable manifolds are open cells. Does this give a CW complex which is homeomorphic (not only homotopy equivalent) to the compact manifold? This talk will describe the history of the above problem and give an affirmative answer to it.
9. Free involutions on some special manifolds
杨建强 (四川大学)
Abstract: The classification of manifolds with certain properties up to homeomorphism or diffeomorphism is one of the main topics in geometric topology. I classify some smooth 5-manifolds with fundamental group isomorphic to
and universal cover diffeomorphic to some special manifolds. This gives a classification of smooth free involutions on these special manifolds up to conjugation. It is an application for surgery and modified surgery theory.
10. Title:TBA.
Abstract: TBA.
11. Generators of some bordism groups
Abstract: The main purpose of this talk is to find some typical manifolds to represent the generators of some bordism groups geometrically. This talk divides into two parts.
In the first part, we will collect some basic facts about the structures of some bordism groups. In the second part, we will choose some classes of manifolds (highly-connected framed manifolds, quasitoric manifolds, etc.) to represent some generators of these bordism groups.
12. On Minimal Genus Problem
吴忠涛 (香港中文大学)
Abstract: In joint work with Yi Ni, we obtained a lower bound for the rational genus of knots in a given homology class. We discuss its connection to the Z/2-Thurston norm and complexity of manifolds, and speculate a slice genus version of the bound.
13. Rotating families with applications to Mapping class groups.
杨文元 (北京大学)
Abstract: This talk will present Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin’s work on the existence of free, purely pseudo-Anosov, normal subgroups of Mapping class groups. Their tool is the theory of rotating family which was introduced by Gromov.
14. Matrix group actions on CAT(0) spaces and Spheres
叶圣奎 (西交利物浦大学)
Abstract: Let
be any finitely generated ring and
an integer. Suppose that
is the matrix group generated by all elementary matrices. We will show that
1) any semisimple isometric action of
on a
space has a global fixed point if
2) any action of
by homeomorphisms on a k-sphere is trivial if
15. On a class of quotient spaces of moment-angle complexes
Abstract:For a simplicial complex
and a partition
of the vertex set of
, we define a quotient space of the (real) moment-angle complex of
by some (not necessarily free) torus action determined by
. We obtain an analogue of Hochster's formula to compute the cohomology groups of such a space with any coefficients. Moreover, we show that their cohomology rings with
-coefficient are isomorphic as multigraded
-modules (or algebras) to the cohomology of some multigraded differential algebra determined by
. This generalizes the isomorphism between the cohomology ring of a moment-angle complex
and the Tor algebra of the face ring of
. In addition, we explain how to extend these results to a wider range of spaces.
[1]. A. Bahri, M. Bendersky, F.Cohen and S.Gitler, The Polyhedral Product Functor: a method of computation for moment-angle complexes, arrangements and related spaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), 1634--1668.
[2]. V.M. Buchstaber and T.E. Panov, Torus actions and their applications in topology and combinatorics, University Lecture Series, 24. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2002.
[3]. V.M. Buchstaber and T.E. Panov, Toric topology, arXiv:1210.2368.
[4]. X. Cao and Z.Lu, Mobius transform, moment-angle complexes and Halperin-Carlsson conjecture, J. Algebraic Combin. 35 (2012), 121--140.
[5]. M.W. Davis and T. Januszkiewicz, Convex polytopes,
Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions}, Duke Math. J. 62
(1991), 417--451.
[6]. Z. Lu and T.E. Panov, Moment-angle complexes from simplicial posets, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 9 (2011), 715--730.
[7]. M. Masuda and T.E. Panov, On the cohomology of torus manifolds, Osaka J. Math. 43 (2006), 711--746.
16. Homotopy decompositions in homotopy theory
赵浩 (华南师范大学)
Abstract: Homotopy decompositions play an important role in determining the homotopy properties of a topological space. For example, we can decompose a space as a product or wedge of some indecomposable factors, investigate them and the way they are assembled to understand the original space. In this talk I will introduce the method of homotopy decomposition developed recently and show some of our recent results obtained via homotopy decomposition.
曲面映射类群Mini-course 摘要与相关文献
1. Generators of the mapping class groups
摘要:(1) 曲面映射类群有限生成的Lickorish定理
(2) 曲面映射类群由两个元素生成的Korkmaz定理
[1] Farb and Margalit, A primer on mapping class groups, Chapter 3-4
[2] Korkmaz, Generating the surface mapping class group by two elements, Transactions of the A.M.S., Volume 357, Number 8, Pages 3299–3310 (2004)
2. Torelli group and Johnson homeomorphism
刘勍 (北京大学)
摘要:关于Torelli group的基本内容以及curve complex的基本内容。包括:
1,mapping class group
的是满同态,由此定义Torellii group。
2,Torelli group作用在curve complex上的轨道。
3,Johnson homomorphism
[1] Benson Farb and Dan Margalit. A primer on mapping class groups.
[2] Dennis Johnson. An abelian quotient of the mapping class group
3. Nielsen realization theorem
摘要: This will be a short lecture on Kerckhoff's proof of the Nielsen realization theorem.
Steven P Kerckhoff. Nielsen realization theorem
Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, 1983 vol. 117 (2) pp. 235-265.http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2007076