Basic Information
Analysis and Geometry
Fang Xiaochun



具体包括: C*动力系统、 C*代数分类、图C*代数、 算子代数的K群与KK群、群胚C*代数、非交换几何、非交换概率论、算子理论及其应用等。


1983年9月到1988年7月 在必赢76net线路应用数学系学习,获得理学学士学位。 连续三个年度被评为特别优秀学生。

1988年9月到1990年1月 在复旦大学数学研究所学习,导师: 严绍宗教授和童裕生教授,提前毕业攻读博士学位。

1990年1月到1993年7月 在复旦大学数学研究所学习,导师: 严绍宗教授,提前获得理学博士学位。


1993年7月到1995年7月 在中国科学院数学研究所做博士后研究,合作导师: 李炳仁研究员。

1995年7月---至今 在必赢76net线路数学系教学研究。

1995年5月 获得副教授任职资格并于1995年7月被聘为副教授。

1995年12月 被聘为硕士研究生导师。

2000年7月 被聘为正教授。

2001年5月 被聘为博士研究生导师。


1997年12月--1998年6月 在加拿大Fields所与G.A.Elliott教授(院士)进行国际合作研究,并访问多伦多大学。

2003年10月--2004年1月 在德国Muenster大学数学研究所做DAAD高级访问学者,访问J. Cuntz教授(名誉博士)。


目前在Journal of Functional Analysis、 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems、 Integral Equations and Operator Theory、 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society、 Proceeding of America Mathematical Society、 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications、 Linear Algebras and Its Applications、 C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada、 Muenster J. of Math. 、中国科学 等几十种国内外杂志上发表学术论文一百多篇。


[2]方小春, C*-动力系统中作用群的amenable性, 科学通报, 36(1991), 1601-1603;

[3] X. Fang,Amenability of group in the C*-dynamic system,Chinese Science Bulletin,37(1992),1150-1152;

[4]方小春,余作用的Arveson谱,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),49-57;

[5] X. Fang,The Arveson spectrum of coaction,Chinese J. of contemporary Mathematics,15(1994),49-58;

[6]方小春,关于群胚的顺从性,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),449-454;

[7]方小春,由1-余循环和左不变作用生成的C*动力系统,数学年刊(A ),15(1994),712-721;


[9] X. Fang,The induced representation of C*-groupoid dynamic system,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),17(1996),103-114;

[10]方小春,余作用交叉积的顺从性,科学通报, 41(1996), No.19, 1823-1823;

[11] X. Fang,The amenability of crossed product by coaction, Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(1996), No.23, 2022-2023;

[12]方小春,纽共变系统的交叉积,同济学报, 97年第三期,349--353;

[13]方小春,关于余作用的交叉积,同济学报, 97年第六期, 715--717;

[14]方小春,数学分析中不同类型极限的一致处理方法,高等数学通报, 97年12月;(教学论文)

[15]方小春,Hilbert双模的乘子双模,同济学报, 98年第一期,1--4;

[16] X. Fang,The invariant continuous-trace C*-algebras by the action of compact abelian groups,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),19(1998), 489--498;

[17] X. Fang,The crossed products on the flow of groupoid with quasi-invariant measures,Acta Math. Sinica,14 (1998), 541-546;

[18] G. A. Elliott and X. Fang, Simple inductive limits of C*-algebras with building blocks from spheres of odd dimension, Contemp. Math.(228), 'Operator Algebra and Operator Theory', 1998, 79--86;

[19] X. Fang,The real rank zero property of the inductive limit of separable stable C*-algebras,Analysis,19(1999),377—389;


的谱结构,同济学报, 28(2000),78--80;


[22] X. Fang,The Toeplitz algebra on the flow of groupoid , Advance in Mathematics (China)., 29(2000), 549--553;

[23] X. Fang,Realization of Multiplier Hiilbert bimodule on bidual space and Tietze extension theorem, Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),21(2000), 375--380;




[26]方小春,成荣,邱伯驺,关于连续迹C*代数间的谱映射,数学学报, 46(2003),453--456;

[27] X. Fang,The trace space invariance and unitarily group of C*-algebra,Chinese Ann. of Math.(B),24(2003), 115--122;

[28]方小春,成荣,邱伯驺,可能行无限向图代数,数学学报,Vol. 47(2004), NO.4,687-694

[29]范庆斋,胡善文,方小春,I(k)中迹极限C*代数的K群,同济学报,Vol. 33(2005),230-233

[30]房厚庆,方小春,丁娟, 双周期Riemann边值问题解法的注记,合肥工业大学学报,Vol.28(2005),209- - 211

[31]范庆斋,方小春,迹稳定秩一的C*代数,数学学报,Vol. 48(2005), NO.5,929-934

[32]范庆斋,方小春,单的迹稳定秩一的C*代数,同济学报,Vol. 33(2005),1696--1698

[33] Fang Xiaochun, Graph C*-Algebras and their ideals defined by Cuntz-Krieger family of possibly row-infinite directed graphs, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 54(2006), 301-316

[34] Fang Xiaochun, The real rank zero property of crossed product, Proceeding of America Mathematical Society,134 (2006), no. 10, 3015-3024

[35]方小春,房厚庆,范庆斋,关于正元类相等的几个充分条件,同济学报,Vol. 34(2006),1256—1259

[36]方小春,梁月亮,范庆斋,简单迹极限的基本可比性,同济学报,Vol. 34(2006),1108—1110

[37] Liu Shudong, Fang Xiaochun, Extension algebras of Cuntz algebra, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 329(2007), 655--663

[38] X. Fang, H. Yang, S. Liu, General forms of operator algebras on Pontrjagin Space with neutral invariant subspaces, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 425(2007), 184--209

[39] Fang Xiaochun, Liu Shudong,Lifting unitaries with application to approximately inner automorphisms,Acta Math. Sinica,English Series,Oct. , 2007, Vol. 23, No. 10, 1745--1750



代数的稳定有限性和弱迹稳定秩一,数学年刊,C*范庆斋,方小春,迹稳定秩一的[42] 28A (2007), 403—412


,2008理论,数学年刊,K-代数的扩张代数的C*-刘树冬,方小春,纯无限[44] 29A (2):195-202


空间上JC*-代数的不变子空间,系统科学与数学,2008,28(10),1268-1274。ISSN: 1000-0577 CN: 11-2019/O1








[52]Fan Qingzhai,Fang Xiaochun,Stable rank one and real rank zero for crossed products by finite group actions with the tracial Rokhlin property,Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),30 (2009), No.2, 179-186

数学年刊,(II),理论K-代数的扩张代数的C*-纯无限单,方小春,刘树冬[53] 30A (2009), No. 3,433-438

[54] Fan Qingzhai,Fang Xiaochun,The cancellation property of simple C*-algebras with tracial stable rank one,Advances in Math. (China),38 (2009), No.1, 69-74

[55] Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, Approximately isometric lifting in quasidiagonal extensions,Science in China Series A: Mathematics,52 (2009), Number 3 , 457-467

[56] Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, An Explicit Expression of Supremum of Bounded Quantum Observables, J. Math. Phys.50,Article ID033502 (2009),9 pages; doi:10.1063/1.3075826

[57] Liu Shudong and Fang Xiaochun, Extension Algebras of Cuntz Algebra (II),Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 80 (2009), 83—90;DOI:10.1017/S0004972709000227.

[58] Fang Xiaochun,The classification of certain non-simple C^*-algebras of tracial rank zero,Journal of Functional Analysis, 256(2009),No. 11 , 3861-3891

[59]于静,方小春,范庆斋,某些C*-代数上的2-局部映射,数学进展,38 (2009), No.3, 289-294.

[60] X. Fang, J. Yu, H. Yao, Solutions to operator equations on Hilbert C*-Modules, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 431 (2009) 2142-2153;No. 11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2009.07.009.

[61] Fang Xiaochun,Yang Xinbing, Real rank and stable rank of C*-algebras with tracial rank zero,Houston Journal of Math.,35 (2009) No. 4, 1111—1129. 0362-1588

[62] Fang Xiaochun,AF embedding of crossed products of certain graph C*-Algebras by quasi-free actions,C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada,31 (2009),No. 3,76—86.

[63]刘树冬,方小春,魏常果, Cuntz代数的可遗传C*-子代数,数学学报,52(2009),No. 5,969-974.

[64]Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,Approximate conjugacy for C*-dynamical systems,Advances in Math.(China),38 (2009), No. 5,621--628

[65] Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,On k-quasi-class A operators, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,Article ID 921634 (2009),10 pages; doi: 10.1155/2009/921634. Vol. 2009.

[66]Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, The extensions of C*-algebras with tracial topological rank no more than one, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 53(2009),No. 2,441-462。

[67] Elliott G. A.,Fang Xiaochun,Ideals and Simplicity of Crossed Products of Graph C*-Algebras by Quasi-free Actions,Muenster J. of Math,3 (2010), pp. 11-28.


群,数学年刊,C*极小动力系统生成交叉积Cantor杨新兵,方小春,[68] 31A (2010),No. 1, 119—128.

[69] Yao Hongliang,Fang Xiaochun,Notes on

-algebrasand extensions of AT-algebras by

, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society(Bull. London Math. Soc.),42 (2010) 275–281.Print ISSN:0024-6093Online ISSN:1469-2120

[70] Fang Xiaochun,Wang Lin, Equivalent definitions of infinite positive elements in simple C*-algebras, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, Vol.53 (2010), No.2, pp. 256-262.ISSN: 0008-4395

[71] Fang Xiaochun, Yu Jing,Solutions to operator equations on Hilbert C*-Modules II,Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 68 (2010), No.1, pp. 23-60.ISSN: 0378-620X (print version) ISSN: 1420-8989 (electronic version)

[72] Liu Shudong, Fang Xiaochun, K-theory for certain extension algebras of purely infinite simple C*-algebras, Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences, 120 (2010), No.4, pp. 409-416.

[73] Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, Li Yuan, The supremum of linear operators for *-order, Linear Algebras and Its Applications, 433 (2010), pp. 2198-2207.

[74] Xu Xiao-Ming, Du Hong-Ke, Fang Xiaochun, On the infimum of Bounded Quantum Observables, J. Math. Phys.51,Article ID093522 (2010),4 pages. ISSN (printed): 0022-2488. ISSN (electronic): 1089-7658.

[75] Fang Xiaochun, Yu Jing,Compatibility and Schur Complements of Operators on Hilbert C*-Module,Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),32 (2011), No. 1,69-88. ISSN:0252-9599

[76] Yao Hongliang,Fang Xiaochun,Partial isometries and an invariant of C*-algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol.27 (2011), Number 4, 799-806.


[77] Fang Xiaochun,AF embedding of crossed products of certain graph C*-Algebras by quasi-free actions (II), Acta Mathematica Sinica,Vol.27 (2011), No.8, 1581-1590, OI: 10.1007/s10114-011-8622-0,ISSN:1439-8516

[78] Quanyuan Chen, Xiaochun Fang, Patiality of Derivations of Operator Algebras in Banach Spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011, Volume 2011, Article ID 813723, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/813723,ISSN:1085-3375

[79] Fang Xiaochun,Zhao Yile, Tracial topological rank of certain C*-algebras,Science in China Series A: Mathematics,2295—2308, No. 11, 54( 2011).ISSN1674-7283CN11-5837/O1

[80] Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun,Non-simple tracial approximation,Houston Journal of Math.,37(2011) No. 4, 1249—1263. ISSN:0362-1588

[81] Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,The Fuglede-Putnam theorem and Putnam’s inequality for quasi-class (A, k) operators, Ann. Funct. Annl. 2(2011), no.1, 105-113.ISSN: 2008-8752

[82]方小春,赵冬,徐小明,标准C*-代数间保持一类正元比较关系的映射,必赢76net线路学报(自然科学版), 39(2011), 1880—1882ISSN:0253-374X ,CN:31-1267/N

[83]Li, Xiaochun;Gao, Fugen;Fang, XiaochunSpectrum of quasi-class (A,k) operators.ISRN Math. Anal.2011,Art. ID 415980, 10 pp.

[84] Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,Weyl’s theorem for algebraically k-quasiclass A operators, Opuscula Mathematica, 32 (2012), no.1, 125-135 ISSN 1232-9274.

[85]Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,The tracial rank for crossed products by finite group actions,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 42 (2012), no.1, 339-352.ISSN:0035-7596

代数,数学年刊,C*范庆斋,方小春,一类具有弱无孔性质的[86] 33A (2012), 113—122

[87] Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun, Certain class of C*-algebras preserved by tracial approximation, Front. Math. China 7 (2012), No.3, 449–458, DOI 10.1007/s11464-012-0196-3 1673-3452

[88] Chen Quanyuan, Fang Xiaochun, Strictly cyclic functional, reflexivity of operator algebras, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 434308, 12 pages,doi:10.1155/2012/434308ISSN:1085-3375

[89] Xu Xiao-Ming, Fang Xiaochun, Hua Jiajie, On Cuntz Semigroups of Certain C*-algebras, Advances in Math. (China),Vol.41, No.3, 2012, 296-305 ISSN:1000-0917

[90] Gao Fugen, Fang Xiaochun,Generalized Weyl’s theorem and spectral continuity for algebraically quasi-class (A, k) operators, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 78 (2012), 241–250.0001-6969

[91] Fan Qingzhai, Fang Xiaochun, A class of C*-algebras with non-stable K1-group property, Acta Mathematica Sinica (Engl. Ser.), 28(2012), 983-988.

[92] Yang Xinbing,Fang Xiaochun,The Tracial Class Property for Crossed Products by Finite Group Actions,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, Volume 2012, Article ID 745369, 10 pages,doi:10.1155/2012/745369ISSN:1085-3375

[93] Yao, Hongliang,Fang, Xiaochun,Partial isometries and extensions of AT-algebras,Archiv der Mathematik,2012.8.01,99(2):137~146

[94] Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun, Lie triple and Jordan derivable mappings on nest algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61(2013), 653-666, DOI:10.1080/03081087.2012.703186,Print ISSN: 0308-1087. Online ISSN: 1563-5139

[95] Fang Xiaochun, Fan Qingzhai, Certain properties for crossed products by automorphisms with a certain non-simple tracial Rokhlin property, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems,;Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. (2013), 33, 1391–1400.ISSN: 0143-3857 EISSN: 1469-4417

[96] Li Changjing, Fangyan Lu, Fang Xiaochun, Nonlinear mappings preserving product XY+YX* on factor von Neumann algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438 (2013), 2339-2345.ISSN: 0024-3795


[98] Fang Xiaochun,Hou Enran and Dong Ge,Solutions to the System of Operator Equations A1X = C1;XB2 = C2;A3XB3 = C3 on Hilbert C*-Modules,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 826564, 8 pages, ISSN:1085-3375

[99] Hua Jiajie, Fang Xiaochun, Xu Xiao-Ming, Tracial decomposition rank, Advances in Math. (China),Vol.42, No.2, 2013, 219-225 ISSN:1000-0917

[100] Li Changjing, FangXiaochun,Lu Fangyan, Wang Ting, Lie Triple Derivable Mappings on Rings,Communications in Algebra,Volume 42,Issue 6, 2014, pages 2510-2527,

DOI 10.1080/00927872.2012.763041, ISSN:0092-7872 (Print), 1532-4125 (Online)

[101] Li Changjing, Lu Fangyan, Fang Xiaochun,Non-linear ξ-Jordan *-derivations on von Neumann algebras,Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62(2014),pages 466-473,

DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2013.780603

[102] Xu Xiao-Ming,Fang Xiaochun*, Gao Fugen,Principal Invariant Subspaces Theorems, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2014,Vol.62, 1428-1436,,Print ISSN: 0308-1087. Online ISSN: 1563-5139

[103] Xiao-Ming Xu*, Hong-Ke Du, Xiaochun Fang,

-inverses of Bounded Linear Operators, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 30(2014), 675-680.ISSN:1439-8516

[104] Fang Xiaochun, Sze Nung-Sing, and Xu Xiao-Ming,The Cuntz comparison in the standard C*-algebra,,Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 623520, 4 pages. ISSN:1085-3375

[105] Li Xing, FangXiaochun,Constructing k-Schmidt witnesses for infinite-dimensional systems, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015(63), No. 4, 754-764, 0308-1087

[106]Dong Ge, Fang XiaochunVariational inequalities with multivalued lower order terms and convex functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, J. Funct. Spaces,Journal of Function Spaces ,2015,Art. ID 321437, 10 pp. ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online)

[107]Dong Ge,Fang Xiaochun,Existence results for some nonlinear elliptic equations with measure data in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces.Boundary Value Problems(Bound. Value Probl.), 2015,2015:18, 22 ppISSN: 1687-2770

[108] Xu Xiaoming, Fang Xiaochun, On Principal Invariant Subspaces, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2015, Vol.31 No.10, 1621-1628

[109] Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun,p-Weak Approximation Property in Banach Spaces, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics,2015 Vol.36, No.3, 219-228, ISSN 0898-5111.

[110] Yan Kai, Fang Xiaochun, Common properties of the operator products in spectral theory, Annals of Functional Analysis (Ann. Funct. Anal.) 6 (2015), no. 4, 60(69).ISSN: 2008-8752

[111] Yan Kai, Fang Xiaochun, Common properties of the operator products in local spectral theory, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, Nov., 2015,Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 1715–1724.

[112]侯恩冉方小春Hilbert C-模上的广义g-框架的扰动 必赢76net线路自然科学版, 2015, 43(6), 932---937

[113] Zhao Yile,Fang Xiaochun, The Tracial Topological Rank of Extensions of C*-Algebras,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,10(2016),1181-1201. DOI 10.1007/s11785-015-0488-1,Print ISSN 1661-8254,Online ISSN 1661-8262

[114] Li Xin, FangXiaochun,Indecomposable positive linear maps constructed from permutations, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2016(64), No. 2, 297-308, ISBN:0308-1087,10.1080/03081087.2015.1036000

[115] Kai Yan, Weigang Su, Xiaochun Fang*, On the stability of the spectral properties under commuting perturbations, Filomat, . 2016(30)No. 6, 1511-1518. ISSN 0354-5180 (Print),ISSN 2406-0933 (Online)

[116] Xinbing Yang and Xiaochun Fang* , Asymptotic Morphisms for Crossed Products of C*-algebras, Advance in Mathematics (China),数学进展, 2016(45) No. 4, 572-580.国内刊号11-2312/O1国际刊号1000-0917

[117] Li Changjing, Fang Xiaochun*,The (**)-Haagerup Property for C*-Algebras, Chinese Ann. of Math. (B),37(2016), No. 3, 367—372. ISSN:0252-9599

[118]Dong Ge,Fang Xiaochun*,Differential equations of divergence form in separable Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, 19page,

Boundary Value Problems.2016, 2016:106,DOI: 10.1186/s13661-016-0612-9,ISSN: 1687-2770

[119] PlievMarat Amurhanovich, Fang Xiaochun,Narrow Orthogonally Additive Operators on Lattice-Normed Spaces,Siberian Mathematical Journal, 2017 , 58 (1) :134-141,ISSN:0037-4466 (Print)1573-9260 (Online)

[120] Chen Quanyuan*, Fang Xiaochun, Li Changjing,Jordan ( α , β ) -Derivations on Operator Algebras,J. Funct. Spaces,Journal of Function Spaces ,2017,Volume 2017, Article ID 4757039, 7 pages ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online)

[121] Xu Qingxiang*, Fang Xiaochun,A note on majorization and range inclusion of adjointable operators on Hilbert C∗-modules, Linear Algebra and its Applications 516 (2017) 118–125. ISSN: 0024-3795

[122]梁月亮方小春*范庆斋,非单C*-代数α-比较性的等价刻画,《数学学报》, 2017 , 60 (4) :705-712。0583-1431


[124]陈全园* ,李长京,方小春,von Neumann代数中CSL子代数上的Jordan(α,β)-导子,《数学学报》, 2017 , 60 (4) :537-546。

[125] Liang Yueliang,Fang Xiaochun The /alpha-comparison property of quasidiagonal extension for C*-agebras,数学进展2017(46),No.4,548-556.

[126] Chen Quanyuan*, Fang Xiaochun, Li Changjing, The characterization of generalized Jordan gentralizers on algebras,Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica,Volume 35, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 225-240

[127] Yang Bing, Fang Xiaochun*,Weak-2-local derivations on finite von Neumann Algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(8), 1520-1529 ,

[128] Liang Yueliang,Fang Xiaochun,The /alpha-comparison property and finite nuclear dimension of generalized inductive limits for C∗-algebras,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series,Published online: May 18, 2018,

[129] Fang Xiaochun,Lao Yihui, Preservers for the Tsallis Entropy of Convex Combinations of Density Operators, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2018, Article ID 5296085, 10 pages,

[130] Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun*, Crossed products by finite group actions with certain tracial Rokhlin property,Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2018, 38B(3):829-842。

[131] Elliott George A., Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun, Certain properties of tracial approximation C*-algebras, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada Vol. 40 (4) 2018, pp. 104-133

[132] Fang Xiaochun, Moslehianb Mohammad Sal, Xu Qingxiang *,On majorization and range inclusion of operators on Hilbert C∗-modules, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(12), 2493-2500 .

[133] Eskandari Rasoul, Fang Xiaochun, Moslehianb Mohammad Sal, Xu Qingxiang *,Positive solutions of the system of operator equations A_1 X=C_1, XA_2=C_2, A_3XA^*_3=C_3, A_4XA^*_4=C_4 in Hilbert C^* -modules, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, ISSN 1081-3810,Volume 34, pp. 381-388, August. 2018,

[134] Dong Ge, Fang Xiaochun,The sub-supersolution method and extremal solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Journal of Function Spaces ,2018,Volume 2018, Article ID 8104901, 7 pages. ISSN: 2314-8896 (Print) ISSN: 2314-8888 (Online).

[135]范庆斋;方小春;梁月亮,拟对角扩张Cuntz半群的某些性质,数学年刊A辑, 2018, 39(4), 449-454,

[136]梁月亮,方小春,乔志琴,归纳极限与积C*代数的/alpha-比较性,数学的实践与认识,205-210, 48(2018)No.12,


[137] Yang Bing, Fang Xiaochun*,The structure of 2-local Lie derivations on von Neumann Algebras, Ann. Funct. Anal. 10(2019),no.2, 242—251.

[138] Fan Qinzhai,Fang Xiaochun*, Zhao Xia, The comparision properties and large subalgebra are inheritance, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Volume 49, Number 6, 2019, 1857-1867.

[139] Dong Ge, Fang Xiaochun*,Positive solutions to nonlinear inclusion problems in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces, Applicable Analysis, 2019, 14pages.

ISSN: 0003-6811 (Print) 1563-504X (Online)

Journal homepage:

[140] Zhao Yile,Fang Xiaochun*,and Xu Xiaoming,Some properties of tracially quasidiagonal extensions,Chinese Annals of Mathematics(B) 40(2019), No. 1, 97-110.

[141] Jiajie Hua,Xiaochun Fang, and Xiaoming Xu,Continuity of functor with respective to generalized inductive limits, Front. Math. China 2019, 14(3): 551—566,

[142] Xiaochun Fang,Xingpeng Zhao,and Xinbing Yang,2-local *-Lie automorphisms of semi-finite factors,Volume 13, Number 3, September 2019,745-759. doi:10.7153/oam-2019-13-53

[143]赵兴鹏,方小春,杨冰,半有限von Neumann代数上的逼近2局部导子,必赢76net线路学报(自然科学版),2019,1350-1354.

  1. 算子代数及其应用,中国科学院博士后基金(中国博士后基金冠名基金),主持人。

  2. 连续迹C*代数诱导极限的分类,国家自然科学基金(19601029),主持人。

  3. 顺从C*代数的分类,国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(19711121677),主持人。

  4. C*代数与C*动力系统,教育部高等学校优秀骨干青年教师资助计划,主持人。

  5. 具体C*代数性质与分类研究,国家自然科学基金(10271090),主持人。

  6. 非交换几何,教育部数学发展和人才培养中心项目,主要参加人。

  7. 化学蚁群算法及其对超分子分析体系的多元校正研究,国家自然科学基金 (20175013),主要参加人。

  8. 图C*-代数及其产生的动力系统的分类性质,国家自然科学基金(10771161),主持人。

  9. Cuntz半群与C*-代数及其动力系统的分类研究,国家自然科学基金(11071188),主持人。

  10. C*-代数的近似与分类研究,国家自然科学基金(11371279),主持人。

  11. 群,算子及其结构,国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(1141101088),主持人。

  12. C*代数的结构与逼近研究,国家自然科学基金 (11871375)),主持人。



到目前共指导5名博士后, 14名博士生,多名硕士生。


曾经主讲本科课程有:数学分析, 实变函数, 泛函分析, 离散数学, 复变函数,高等数学等。其中负责的离散数学课程2004年被评为学校精品课程。必赢76net线路第一,二,三届教学督导专家。

  1. 美国数学会会员,美国《数学评论》评论员,众多方面评审、审稿专家(例如:上海科委教委等评审专家;

  2. 国家自然科学基金、浙江等省自然科学基金、教育部学位委员会等函评专家;

  3. 中国科学、数学学报、数学年刊、数学进展等审稿专家);

  4. The Open Mathematics Journal (ISSN: 1874-1177) 杂志编委;

  5. International Journal of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory and Applications (ISSN: 0975-2919) 杂志编委(Mar. 2009--) ;

  6. “International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences”杂志编委;

  7. “International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications” 杂志编委;

  8. “Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory (ALAMT) ” 杂志编委;

  9. “Current Advances in Mathematics” 杂志编委;

  10. “运筹与模糊学” 杂志副主编;

  11. 《数学计算》等其他中文杂志编委。